The use of mandarins for the body and for losing weight

The fruits of the mandarin tree have a wonderful taste and smell, which many are associated with winter holidays. They can be eaten with health benefits, using medicinal properties. The flesh of mandarins, peel and seeds have found application in folk medicine for colds, atherosclerosis, for weight loss and recovery from diseases.

Mandarins - composition

The composition of the pulp includes organic acids and sugars, zeaxanthin, lutein. Microelements are represented by iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, the optimum ratio of sodium and potassium. In order to evaluate the benefits to the body, you need to know what vitamins are in the mandarins:

In the peel of tangerines there is a valuable essential oil, pectin, pigments, among which provitamin A. It has a specific substance - tanzherin, which strengthens the wall of blood vessels. In the essential oil contains limonene, myrcene and other components, thanks to which its smell is revealed. In the bones found trace elements and in an insignificant amount of hydrocyanic acid.

What are the most useful tangerines?

Mandarins taste sweet and sourish. The sweetest varieties have a bright orange peel, a bowl shape, sour - flattened, yellow and yellow-green. For the correct selection of fruits you need to know which tangerines are more useful - sour or sweet. According to the content of vitamins and trace elements, they almost do not differ, but in acid it is more ascorbic acid, therefore it is better to choose acidic varieties for the prevention of colds and diseases of the respiratory system. With diseases of the stomach, intestines and liver, the sweet and ripe fruits will be of great benefit to the body.

Useful properties of mandarin

Tasty fruit is considered a valuable dietary product. Useful properties of mandarin for the body have found application in the prevention and treatment of such diseases:

  1. Nervous system - depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, memory loss.
  2. Pathology of pregnancy - toxicosis and prevention of folate deficiency.
  3. Cardiovascular system - hypertensive disease and atherosclerosis.
  4. Systems of digestion - lack of enzymes, irregular emptying of the intestine.
  5. Respiratory system - cleansing the lungs, facilitating sputum discharge and getting rid of cough.

Due to the presence of vitamins and antioxidants, citrus fruits increase immunity, and phytoncides kill microbes and viruses. They apply them in the treatment of acne, fungal diseases of the skin and nails. Juice fruit is treated with thrush, and the cortex is used for menorrhagia (profuse menstrual bleeding). Lutein, zeaxanthin and provitamin A prevent the clouding of the lens of the eye and changes in the retina. The use of mandarins for the body is manifested and the treatment of stones in the bladder and kidneys, cystitis.

Mandarin Crusts - useful properties

Mandarin zebra, benefits and harm from its use, have been studied by dermatologists. There are data on the prevention of cancer while consuming tea with mandarin crusts. Peel can help with:

  1. Elevated levels of cholesterol and sugar.
  2. Stagnation of bile in the liver.
  3. Poisoning, nausea and vomiting.
  4. Impairment of appetite and general weakness.
  5. With neuroses as a soothing and relaxing remedy.
  6. Colds and bronchitis.
  7. Avitaminosis.

Rye tangerines flavor alcoholic beverages and pastries. Essential oil is used in perfumery and cosmetology to increase the elasticity of the skin, as an anti-cellulite remedy. It is used as an anesthetic for painful periods. For the treatment of fungal infections, twice a day the skin needs to be rubbed with mandarin crusts. With the peel of mandarin take common baths to enhance the tone.

Mandarin seeds - benefit

There was an opinion about the dangers of mandarin seeds due to the content of cyanide in them, but when studying it turned out that only excessively large doses could harm. Bones of mandarin, useful properties of which have been confirmed, are used as a source:

Mandarins with losing weight

One kilogram of mandarin has the same calorie content as one sweet bun, but a tangerine, whose use for weight loss has been known for a long time, contains unique biologically active substances. The effect of the naringenin flavonoid isolated from the fetus was confirmed for the treatment of obesity of the liver and fat burning in the body. In mandarins contains a lot of fiber, which has the property of increasing in volume, passing through the intestines. This increases its contractions and helps to remove excess cholesterol and fats.

Diet on mandarins

What is the use of tangerines in losing weight can be judged from the reviews of people who have tried on a mandarin diet. It is well tolerated and after 10 days when combined with exercise will help to lose weight by 5 -7 kilograms. On the day it is recommended to eat about a kilogram of mandarin. With each meal, 3 to 4 fetuses and a low-fat protein product - cottage cheese, boiled meat or fish, egg white or yogurt without additives, are eaten. Sugar and flour products during the diet are prohibited. You need to drink about two liters of drinking water and eat at least five times a day.

Is it useful to eat a lot of tangerines?

Not focusing on the fact that the benefits of mandarins for the body is obvious, it is recommended to eat no more than 300 grams per day. For us, this fruit is exotic, and hence the enzymes of the digestive system are not programmed for its assimilation. With constant overeating, allergic reactions can occur in the form of skin rashes, itching, stomach problems. The intake of tangerines in large doses irritates the kidney tissue in nephritis. In diseases of the stomach and duodenal need to consult with a doctor, whether the mandarins are useful in this case.

Is it harmful to eat tangerines at night?

Before going to bed dietary food is recommended, which is easily digested and although according to most nutritionists, the best time to eat fruit is in the morning, and protein foods are suitable for the evening, and you can answer negatively when asked if the mandarins are harmful before going to bed. Together with berries and grapefruits, these fruits have a low glycemic index, and therefore do not provoke a jump in insulin and fat deposition.

Mandarins on an empty stomach - benefit and harm

Mandarin juice or fruits can be charged in the morning with vitamins and energy for the whole day, to give a good mood . All this does not apply to eating them on an empty stomach. The harm of mandarin, eaten on an empty stomach, manifests itself in irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, the risk of allergic reactions increases and the negative effect is not liver, so the optimal time for citrus is breakfast, but after cereal or cottage cheese.

Mandarins - harm

In order to get only the benefits of tangerines for the body, you need to know what diseases they are not recommended to use:

  1. Gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  2. Duodenitis and duodenal ulcer.
  3. Pancreatitis in the acute stage.
  4. Cholecystitis is acute and chronic.
  5. Hepatitis is viral and toxic.
  6. Glomerulonephritis.
  7. Allergic reactions to citrus fruits.

What the harmful tangerines can be associated with their processing for safety during transportation. Ethylene, used for these purposes, shows toxicity to the liver. A bright shine of the peel appears when processing fruits with fungicides, harmful to the kidneys. Abuse of tangerines, accumulating rubidium, can lead to poisoning, changes in blood composition.