Cucumber diet - options for weight loss on cucumbers from Xenia Borodina and Anita Tsoi

This green vegetable is loved by many of us for its taste and therefore is often added to the most appetizing salads. It is known for its use in cosmetology - for the preparation of masks and moisturizing creams. Fresh cucumber for weight loss is often used by those wishing to find a beautiful slender figure.

Cucumber diet - the pros and cons

Often you can hear about the fact that cucumber in the diet - the best helpers for those who want to become slimmer. However, the cucumber diet has its advantages and imperfections. Among the advantages:

The disadvantages of the method of losing weight:

Cucumber diet for weight loss

Many who wish to get rid of excess weight apply a diet for cucumbers. The popularity of this method is explained by the low calorie content of the vegetable, the significant water content in the vegetable and the low percentage of allergic reactions to the constituents. However, there is a possibility that side effects may occur, because such a diet is not recommended to spend more than ten days.

Cucumber diet from Xenia Borodina

Television stars are happy to share their secrets of losing weight. Has gained popularity and cucumber diet of Xenia Borodina. Its duration is from three to five days. The main ingredient here is a cucumber. For the time of such nutrition, it is undesirable to consume salt. In the offered salads you can add lemon juice, spices. Fresh greens such dishes will make especially tasty and useful. Cucumber diet has this menu:

  1. Breakfast : yogurt dressed salad of cucumbers and greens, a slice of whole grain bread.
  2. Lunch : olive oil dressed with cucumber salad with Chinese cabbage, unsalted boiled chicken breast.
  3. Afternoon snack : salad of cucumbers and boiled eggs with sour cream (15% fat content), a slice of black bread.
  4. Dinner : salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet pepper.

Cucumber diet from Anita Tsoi

No less popular is the method of losing weight from the famous Russian singer Anita Tsoy. The figure of a woman is always in perfect condition, and with the slightest imperfections she immediately begins to struggle. In her systems, the singer uses these rules:

  1. The use of the Shelton single food method, where one meal should not combine carbohydrate and protein products.
  2. Regular exercise.
  3. After 8 pm food is banned.
  4. Once a week to do a day off .
  5. Observe the drinking regime.

The singer offers several options for losing weight on the beloved by many vegetables:

  1. In the menu of a cucumber diet 1-2 kilograms of green vegetables per day.
  2. Between meals you should drink water and be sure to drink a glass of yogurt for the night .

If this option is not suitable, you can use one more:

  1. It will take 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers and two boiled eggs. Cucumbers should be divided into five or six servings.
  2. For lunch and dinner you need to eat one egg each, and the rest of the time - cucumbers.

Kefir and Cucumber Diet

A lot of positive reviews gathered a diet for cucumbers and kefir.

  1. It is recommended to eat a day not more than a kilo of cucumbers and drink a liter of kefir with a fat content of 1%.
  2. A necessary condition for this method of losing weight is to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.
  3. In the diet you can add one bunch of fresh greens.
  4. If desired, make a dish similar to okroshka with cucumbers, chopped herbs and diluted with water kefir.

Cucumber diet - 10 kg per month

Many have proved that cucumber when losing weight is very effective and help get rid of ten kilos in one month. However, it is important to say that this method of transformation does not suit everyone. From the dietary diet should be discarded by those who have the disease:

Cucumber in this diet should be necessarily fresh, and ideally - seasonal. Due to low calorie intake, this technique will help to get rid of 1.5 kilograms daily. Among the basic principles of nutrition:

Cucumber diet for 3 days

This is a hard option, so you should not abuse this kind of weight loss method. Cucumber express diet is very effective, but use it for longer than three days is not recommended. Such a cucumber mono-diet will help get rid of 2-3 kilograms. It involves the use of a specially prepared dish, which is divided into four portions of the same size and eaten throughout the day.

Cucumber salad for mono-diet



  1. Dice cucumbers and greens.
  2. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Fill all with oil.