Memory enhancing products

The question of what products improve memory , in our day is relevant not only for pensioners, but also for young people who simply do not have time to cope with huge amounts of information. Correctly making up your menu and enriching it with not only tasty, but also useful products, you can easily fix the situation.

What to eat to ...?

Foods that improve memory should be present on the table every day. In this case, you will quickly achieve the results. The list includes such products as:

  1. Low-fat beef. In this form, the meat contains a lot of iron, which is necessary for the proper functioning of memory. A very small amount of meat is enough, for example, as in soup or salad.
  2. Vegetable oils . Vegetable oils are rich in a lot of vitamins and minerals, and especially sunflower and peanut oil are useful for improving memory. Include them in your diet is very simple, and most importantly, do it regularly.
  3. Salmon . This fish contains omega-3 - the most important for brain activity, acid.
  4. Spinach and broccoli . These two products are also rich in vitamin E, which is important for brain activity.
  5. Honey . The strength of honey lies in the fact that it activates the brain as a whole, because it supplies a huge amount of nutrients to the body and optimizes the work of all systems. If you are on a diet, then honey is better taken on an empty stomach, stirring 1-2 tsp. in a glass of lukewarm water.
  6. Sunflower seeds and nuts . All kinds of nuts and seeds are incredibly useful for the body. First of all, it is worth noting the benefits of pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts. They consistently hold the lead in the number of useful acids and minerals, which are simply necessary for the body for a harmonious and well-functioning work. Their secret is in the high content of vitamin E.
  7. Mango, blueberries and kiwi . These delicious foods are incredibly rich in vitamins, among which there is an important vitamin E.

First of all, products that improve memory and attention are products rich in iron, vitamin E and some other elements. Their lack leads to distraction, a decrease in intellectual abilities and, as a result, to a deterioration of brain abilities in general.