Can I lose weight during pregnancy?

Losing weight during pregnancy at first seems to us something abnormal and impossible by definition. But if you understand, then this is a completely normal concept. It's not about losing weight with the course of pregnancy. Weight, of course, will increase. The only question is whether its increase will be within the limits of the norm or excessive.

A normal weight gain during pregnancy is 10-12 kg. This weight is composed of the weight of the enlarged uterus, amniotic fluid, placenta , enlarged in the volume of breasts, blood, belly fat reserves and sides to feed the baby, and, of course, the weight of the baby.

And if for the whole pregnancy you have gained about 10 kilograms, you can be congratulated with the fact that you have lost weight. Absurd? And here not! Pregnancy with a normal weight gain means that pregnancy led to physiological weight loss.

Of course, some time after childbirth you will have a little "hang down" tummy, but this is only a consequence of stretching the muscles. When the muscles come to their place, then your figure will rejoice with its beauty and harmony.

But what if you can not gain weight within the norm? If the arrow of scales persistently aspires to the right and even the doctor scolds for superfluous kgs? Can I lose weight in this case during pregnancy? And if so, how? After all, now it is important not to harm the child.

Weight Loss During Pregnancy

Let's just say that strict diets for weight loss during pregnancy are simply unacceptable. Usually they exclude many foods from the diet, because of what it becomes poor for vitamins, trace elements, proteins, carbohydrates and other useful things that are simply vital to your baby. So to the question - can I get pregnant on a diet? - the answer is unambiguous and, of course, negative.

Another thing, if you adhere to a rational diet, eat several times a day, preferably at the same time. You can lose weight during pregnancy by excluding fatty, fried, sharp and salty foods, as well as fast food. Replace all this with vegetables, fruits, cereals, and you will see the result - kilograms will stop running with such intensity, as before.

In addition, try to move as much as possible, walk in the fresh air, walk a lot. Weight loss during pregnancy is achieved when swimming . And if the doctor does not prohibit, you can and should go to special courses for pregnant women. This way of life will be useful to you and your baby.