Personal hygiene of the student

Personal hygiene of the schoolboy includes rules aimed at preserving and strengthening the child's health. To fulfill them, one must adhere to the rational regime of the day, proper nutrition, alternation of physical and mental labor, work and leisure, and the observance of personal hygiene, in the narrow sense of the word. In addition, hygienic education is an integral part of general education, in the course of which the child is hygienic, which is an integral part of a person's cultural behavior.

Basic rules of hygiene for schoolchildren

  1. Personal hygiene of the student is the first rule, which consists in the requirements for keeping the body clean, clothes, and also home. The child must be taught every morning to wash his face, hands, neck, brush his teeth. It is also necessary to wash after a walk. In the evening, before going to bed, you should take water procedures and put on clean clothes. The hands, as well as the nails on the fingers and toes, require special care. To ensure that under the long nails dirt does not accumulate, they must be carefully trimmed once every 2 weeks or more as needed. It is very important to wash your hands before eating, after any dirty work, after going to the toilet and various public places. Personal hygiene also includes hygiene of everyday life - airing the room, caring for personal clothes and bedding, creating an enabling environment for sleep and rest.
  2. The main requirement of food hygiene for schoolchildren is that food intake should be done every day at a strictly defined time. Students should eat at least 4 times a day. The food should be freshly prepared, balanced, and also have a pleasant smell and look. There is a need not to hurry up, while thoroughly chewing, and also when eating a schoolboy should not be distracted and talk.
  3. Another rule that every schoolchild must observe is the hygiene of mental labor. The main goal of this hygiene is long-term preservation of high mental efficiency and prevention of rapid fatigue. For this, the child must observe a certain regime of the day. Begin work should be gradual, while maintaining consistency and systematic. Also, the effectiveness of mental work increases with concentrated attention, assiduity and accuracy.
  4. You should not forget about the alternation of work and rest. To comply with this rule, the hygiene of the schoolchild's workplace is of great importance. It is very important to create a favorable working environment for the student at the workplace. First of all, the correct working posture should be provided, which depends on the rationality of the table and chair design. The workplace should be sufficiently lit, and the room should have clean air and a favorable temperature.

If your children will always adhere to these rules, I think they will always be healthy, clean and tidy.