Transitional age in boys

Several years that complete one and start another age group are called transitional ages. In girls and boys, they flow in different ways. In this article we will talk about what features of the course of the transition age in boys. This is a very difficult period for both parents and children. So at this time, puberty occurs, accompanied by a large production of hormones, which lead to all changes (both physiological and psychological) in the adolescent. Therefore, in order not to destroy family relations and help your child, every parent should know the signs, psychology and at what moment the transition age for boys begins.

Symptoms of Adolescence in Boys

Each boy has a transitional age at his time: one before (from 9-10 years), another later (from 15 years). It depends on several factors: a way of life, loads, heredity and even nationality. But usually it lasts from 11 to 15 years.

The transitional age can be determined by the following physiological changes:

Among the psychological notes the following changes:

All these changes are temporary and at the end of the transition age in boys, usually go away.

Problems of Adolescence in Boys

All the problems that arise at this time are due to the fact that the child can not decide how to behave, due to the emerging maximalism inherent in all adolescents.

  1. Acne - are a problem of the transitional age in both boys and girls. After the puberty period they pass, therefore, in order that there will be no consequences (scars and scars), the parents' task is to organize the proper nutrition of the teenager, provide special means for skin care and control the skin condition in order to have time to consult a specialist at the right time.
  2. Feeling of anxiety - most often this is due to dissatisfaction with their appearance, internal contradictions and the unusualness of the sensations associated with sexual arousal. Parents, better father, we must pre-arrange a preparatory conversation about the upcoming changes in the body of the boy, then the teenager will treat it more calmly.
  3. Rudeness, the use of obscene vocabulary - very often this is due to a lack of communication with the father or arose feeling of rivalry with him. All the accumulated anger, fear, a teenager pours on the women of the family (mother, grandmother or sister) in the form of rudeness in dealing with them. In this case, it is necessary to establish relations between the son and father or to seek help from a psychologist who will help parents to build the right line of behavior.

It is very important in the transition years to maximally support, calm, listen to the boy, talk with him on all topics that interest him. And then a teenager will grow up a successful and confident man.