Potatoes in cream

Young potatoes can be well prepared in cream. It will turn out very tasty. Some will say: "fast" carbohydrates (potatoes) + fats (cream) - this is a real "energy bomb", but not everyone needs to get rid of excess weight. There are people who need to recover: athletes engaged in heavy physical work, and indeed, do not necessarily have a large portion.

So we'll learn how to make potatoes in cream. Choose a small (and preferably medium-small, not to cut) the young potatoes, root crops should be about the same size. Cut the peel is not necessary, we wash the tubers, soak in a little salted cold water in a bowl, cleanse, once again we will rinse and dry with a napkin - now you can cook.

Potatoes baked in the oven in cream with cheese



We heat a small deep pan (shape) and abundantly grease it with melted fat or butter. We spread the potatoes (entirely) not closely - so that it is easy to turn. We take a baking sheet for the edges and shake it, let the potatoes be greased with fat. We place in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. Bake at a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius.

While the potatoes are baked, season the cream with a mixture of curry or other ground spices.

After 20 minutes, when the potatoes are at least half already baked, take out the form from the oven, shake and pour the potatoes with cream (if any nodules do not turn over themselves - gently help them with a fork). Next, return the form to the oven. If you want the potatoes to be roasted - do not close (if on the contrary - use a lid or foil). Bake for another 20 minutes.

Finely chop garlic and greens, three cheese on a grater, all mixed. Ready to put the hot baked potatoes on the plates and quickly sprinkled with cheese, mixed with garlic and herbs. Cheese should not flow - let it only fuse, for this we wait 5-8 minutes.

The dish can be served as a stand-alone dish, preferably for lunch or as a garnish for meat and fish dishes.

Potatoes with mushrooms in cream, stewed in a frying pan

To the list of ingredients of the first recipe (see above), add 300 g of fresh mushrooms (white, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms) and 1 onion.


Melt in a frying pan fat or oil (you can use sunflower). Spasseruem finely chopped onions, add chopped not too finely mushrooms and potatoes (they stew about the same time). Lightly fry, turning the spatula for 5 minutes. Then pour cream, mixed with dry ground spices. Stir and simmer on low heat for another 10-15 minutes, closing the lid. Sprinkle with a mixture of chopped garlic and greens with grated cheese. We serve directly on the table in a frying pan (with a stand, of course). We spread out in portions plates with a spatula, when the homemade cheese is slightly melted.

You can serve this dish (well, or to the previous one) a little light table wine or a glass of odorous berry strong tincture as an aperitif.

Try not to abuse this yummy (especially those wishing to become slimmer) and do not cook too often dishes that combine "fast" carbohydrates with fats.