Easy salad for dinner

Dinner should include light meals that are absorbed well and quickly. What light salad to cook for dinner, read below.

Easy salad for dinner with vegetables and apple



Cabbage shred with thin straws. Apple cut with long stripes and top with lemon juice. Radish also shred straw. We combine mustard with butter in a separate bowl - this will be our refueling. Add the vinegar, honey and mix thoroughly. Place all the ingredients in a deep container. Ginger is cleaned, crushed with a small grater and sent to a salad. Add refueling and mix well.

Delicious light salad for dinner



Thin straws shinkuem Peking cabbage. Shrimp defrost, add to the cabbage. We clean grapefruit, cut it with straw, send it to salad. Salting, pepper, put mustard, olive oil and stir well. Light salad with shrimps for dinner with sprinkled with pine nuts.

Easy salad with orange for dinner



We clean the orange from the peel and bones. Pre-cooked chicken breast cut into pieces. Cut the straw into a peeled apple. We fill the salad with light mayonnaise.

Easy salad for dinner without mayonnaise



Ready to cook the chicken fillets. We cut tomato slices, onions - thin semirings, and cucumber - semicircles. Each olive is cut into 3-4 rings. Chicken fillet crushed straw or cubes. We pass the carrot through a large grater. We connect all the ingredients and pour the corn. We pour the salad dressing from vegetable oil and mustard. To taste salt, pepper and mix well.