Compress on the ear

With ear diseases, in addition to medications, an otolaryngologist can recommend applying a warming compress to the ear. This not only contributes to a speedy recovery, but also helps relieve the pain syndrome. How to make a compress on the ear, let's talk in this article.

Types of compresses for the ear (ears)

The compress on the ear can be dry or wet. These types of compresses differ by the method of preparation, the mechanism and the time of exposure. But the essence of the impact of any warming compress does not change: under its action, there is a uniform and prolonged vasodilation, the flow of blood and lymph and blood increases, and the spasm of the muscles of the internal organs is removed. As a result, blood stasis and inflammatory infiltration, as well as tissue swelling, decrease.

How to put an alcohol compress on the ear?

The alcohol (vodka) compress on the ear is a kind of moist warming compress. In addition, you can put an oil compress, but practice shows that a compress with vodka (alcohol) in the ear is more convenient and practical (does not spread and does not leave greasy spots), and the effect of it is not less.

To prepare such a compress, you will need either vodka or alcohol, diluted twice. Compress consists of three layers, which are superimposed on each other:

  1. The first layer of 10x10 cm can be made either from a piece of cotton cloth, or from a folded six gauze. In the middle of this layer, the ear slot is made. Gauze (fabric) is impregnated with alcohol, it is well wrung out and applied to the area around the auricle. With sensitive skin, you can pre-lubricate the skin with cream.
  2. The second layer is insulating and can be made of polyethylene or wax paper; it should also make a cut for the ear.
  3. The third, outer layer is a warming layer, made of cotton wool (thick layer) or dense woolen material. When making a compress, it is important to observe the rule: the middle layer should be 2-5 cm wider than the inner layer, and the outer layer should be 2-5 cm wider than the middle layer.

The alcohol compress is fixed with a bandage, a scarf or a cap and left for 2 to 4 hours. Do a compress better before going to bed. After removing the compress, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a tissue moistened with warm water. Within an hour after the procedure, you should keep your ear warm, avoid cold and drafts.

How to make an oil compress on the ear?

The oil compress for the ear is performed using the same technology as alcohol, only the first layer is impregnated with any vegetable or camphor oil . The oil should be preheated in a water bath to a temperature of 37-38 ° C. Since the oil retains heat longer, the oil compress can be left for 6-8 hours (you can overnight). After removing the compress, the skin should be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in warm water with the addition of alcohol.

How to make a dry compress on the ear?

You can warm your ear and dry heat. To do this, you will need a strong linen bag in which the salt or sand that is heated in a frying pan to a temperature of about 70 ° C is placed. The pouch turns into a napkin or towel and is applied to the sick ear before cooling down.

Often heat is used to warm the ear in otitis procedures in the form of heating with a water rubber hot water bottle or a blue lamp.

Contraindications to the compress in the ear

Do not put warming compresses:

Compresses are also prohibited in otitis, if there are discharge from the ear, which indicates the course of the purulent process.