Adrenal glands - symptoms of disease in women

Adrenal glands are paired endocrine glands. They are located symmetrically - near each kidney and perform many important functions. This is why it would be nice for women to know the symptoms of adrenal diseases in order to recognize them, if necessary. Otherwise, the patient may start serious health problems, coping with which simply does not work.

Diseases of the adrenal gland in women

The main function of organs is the production of adrenaline, norepinephrine and other hormones. Substances take part in the process of metabolism, stimulate the manifestation of reactions to external stimuli.

Experts consider violations in the adrenal gland to be a rather serious problem. Because of them, the body begins to function incorrectly. As practice shows, most often in women there are symptoms of such diseases of the adrenal glands:

  1. Hyperaldosteronism is a pathological process that occurs against the background of excessive production of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex. The causes of the disease are different: nephritis in chronic form, heart failure, liver tissue damage, cirrhosis.
  2. In women, the symptoms of adrenal disease, such as acute cortical failure , occur because of postpartum necrosis, autoimmune lesions of the pituitary gland, oncology, and long-term infections.
  3. Adrenogenital syndrome is a concept that combines several different congenital pathologies. They cause their mutations occurring at the genetic level.
  4. Sometimes the symptoms of adrenal problems in women are caused by tumors . It is difficult to say exactly what the neoplasms are from, doctors. It is likely that the fault is a hereditary predisposition.
  5. Addison's disease is a rare pathology. As a result of this ailment, the adrenal glands stop producing cortisol. It can be caused by tuberculosis, intoxication, provoked by contact with chemicals, autoimmune processes.
  6. With Isenko-Cushing syndrome, adrenal hormones exert too much influence on the body.

The main signs of adrenal diseases in women

Recognize hyperaldosteronism by:

Among the symptoms of such a violation of the adrenal glands in women, as an acute cortical deficiency, the following should be distinguished:

Hyperplasia manifests itself:

If the adrenal gland disorders in women are caused by tumors, the following symptoms appear:

Addison's disease is characterized by:

When there are symptoms of adrenal diseases, women need to be diagnosed. You will have to take blood tests (general and for hormone level research), urine analysis, pass an MRI, make ultrasound and computed tomography.