How to disaccustom a child to sleep with their parents?

The question of whether parents should sleep with the child or whether it is better to initially teach the baby to sleep separately is still the cause of many disputes. Pediatricians, psychologists and parents are divided into two camps: some argue that a joint sleep helps the child to be calmer, more confident and develop faster, while others categorically disagree, arguing that immediately to accustom a child to sleep in a crib is easier than "migrating" it , when the baby grows up.

Let's consider the main arguments of both sides.



How to teach a child to sleep in a crib?

Consider the basic principles of how to wean a child from sleeping together. If you come to the conclusion that the child is old enough to sleep separately, do not back down and be consistent. Prepare for the fact that it will not be easy: some children wean for two or three days, and some arrange violent hysterics, harassing themselves and their parents. If it seems to you that all the known ways how to teach a child to bed have already been exhausted and you are about to give up and let the crumb continue to sleep with you, consider that by such behavior you let the kid understand that hysterics and screams help to achieve the desired. Do not doubt, in the future the child will more often be capricious and hysterical, manipulating your inability to be consistent and persevering.

Remember: the decision is made, and you should bring it to the end. But do not be too hasty, do everything gradually so that the child is not scared and has time to get used to the changes. Begin to put a toy between yourself and your child. At first place a crib next to yours so you can see how the child sleeps, and the baby, waking up at night, could see you. Gradually push the baby cot away from your. Laying crumbs to sleep, talk to him in a quiet, quiet voice, do not shout that he does not take sleep alone as punishment.

When the child gets used to sleeping separately, move the crib into the nursery. Do not change the rituals before going to sleep - let the toy with which the baby sleeps will still be next to it at night. Laying the baby, talk to him, hold it by the handle, tell the tales, - do everything the same as before. It is advisable to purchase a night lamp, so that waking up in the dark in the nursery, the crumb did not get scared. Do not frighten the child with stories about baboons and other nocturnal monsters - this will only help temporarily, and only later will worsen the situation.

Older children (4-5 years) find it difficult to explain why they can not sleep with their parents, and younger brother or sister can. In this case, try to apply a distracting maneuver - buy in the children's beautiful furniture - in the form of a typewriter, an airplane (for a boy) or a fairy-tale castle (for a girl). It is best if the baby himself chooses a cot for himself. Imagine the possibility of a separate dream as a privilege that is accessible only to adults, let the child feel pride in their own independence.

As soon as the kid understands that the parents do not intend to back away from their decision, he will reconcile, and will calmly fall asleep separately.