Graduation party in kindergarten

Traditionally, the most difficult matinee for the kindergarten workers and for the music director is the graduation. Preparation for it begins at the beginning in September, but what will ultimately result depends not only on teachers, but also on children, as well as on their parents.

Graduation ball in the kindergarten: what to look for when preparing the script?

The most important thing for organizers is the preparation of the final script. A few tips will help make it not only interesting, dynamic, but also memorable for all participants of the holiday:

  1. Think about the theme of the matinee. Very often it is made fabulous, that is, the protagonists of the event are characters from your favorite works. They can become not only educators, but also children themselves, parents. Such staged games usually pass "with a bang." You can also come up with a graduation in the form of a fun lesson with changes, games and competitions. Undoubtedly, the graduates will like the holiday adventure, for which it is easy to prepare various puzzles, quests, comic assignments.
  2. Graduation party in kindergarten can not be imagined without musical accompaniment. By the way, it is necessary to connect not only the musical director, but also the pupils themselves (some of them already go to music school) - let them reveal their talents in the native walls of the kindergarten.
  3. Actively involve grandmothers, grandfathers, moms and dads. The children will participate with pleasure in competitions and skits with them. Particularly well are the surprises with the participation of parents.
  4. It is important not only to show what the guys have learned with the help of teachers. Games and dances are the basis of the graduation in kindergarten.
  5. Do not forget about gifts , small souvenirs - little things are pleasant to children, it raises their mood and evokes a feeling of gratitude.

Organization of graduation in kindergarten: what needs to be thought in advance?

Some moments in preparing the graduation party in the kindergarten should be thought in advance:

  1. Negotiate with the photographer and videographer and collect money to pay for their services. Interesting graduation in kindergarten, for sure, someday, will want to reconsider. By the way, the photo for the final folders is also done in advance.
  2. You can decorate the hall on your own, but at present there are quite a few firms that are good at doing little money and with knowledge of the business will arrange the room. Ornaments of the kindergarten on the graduation may include balls, flowers, ribbons, photos of children, stars, wall newspapers, children's drawings and crafts, garlands of balloons and posters.
  3. By the way, writing a script and holding a morning performance can also be entrusted to people engaged in celebratory activities. They will relieve you of unnecessary worries and prepare the original graduation in kindergarten or outside. True, this form of holding is not very popular yet. Most often, parents invite the animator or lead the children to the children's center after the solemn part.

How to hold the graduation in the kindergarten is decided not only by the pedagogical staff. A lot depends on the parents - after all, the holiday is not only a scenario, but also a lot of financial issues that need to be solved. Therefore, it will be expedient at the beginning or mid-year organize a parent meeting at which to discuss the nuances and agree on where, how, in what form such an important event will take place.

What to pay special attention to?

Whatever the scenario, you need to try to have every child involved in it. It is in childhood that such qualities as self-confidence, self-esteem are laid. It is necessary to let the graduate know that he will cope with difficulties in school, will be able to stand up for himself in the adult world, that he is no worse, no weaker, no stupider than his peers. And, of course, a lot of gratitude will cause the child to participate in the matinee at any parent.