Cactus spurge

An unusual form of the stem of a representative of succulents - the cactus of milkweed - for many florists seems more attractive even the brightest bloom of other domestic "pets" on the windowsill. And in fact, the plant, the fleshy trihedral stem of which is covered with small needles and leaves with outgrowths, looks very impressive. By the way, the height of the succulent can reach about a meter and a half, or even higher. And this is subject to the proper care of the cactus in the home.

How to grow a cactus milk?

Like most succulents, this plant prefers a well-lit place. The best side for him is the southwestern window, while the cactus milk is growing well in the penumbra. So, the main requirements for care are:

  1. Temperature . If we talk about the temperature regime, then the plant feels fine if in the room air does not warm up more than + 22 + 25 degrees in the summer. In winter cactus milk is comfortable at + 15 + 17 degrees.
  2. Watering is a moderate one . In the hot season succulent water is poured once a week. When there is a period of rest, watering is performed no more often than once a month. In the event that the pot with the plant in winter is located in a cool place, the soil is not watered at all. In high humidity cactus spurge does not need, so sprinkling is done occasionally.
  3. Feeding is a necessary nuance of care for an unusual succulent. After fertilization, the plant grows much faster and retains the attractiveness of its appearance. For this purpose, ready-made complexes for succulents and cactuses are used, since other fertilizers that do not take into account specific features can harm. At the time of active growth, fertilizing is carried out every two weeks. In the period of hibernation, fertilizers are needed no more than once a month or they are not brought in at all.
  4. Pruning . To preserve the decorative appearance of the tip of the shoots, the plant needs to be trimmed from time to time. Take into account that the cactus juice is a poisonous poisonous milk, getting on an open skin area threatens with a small burn or allergic reactions. To cactus spurge does not bring harm, it is necessary to work only in gloves. The flow of whitish juice on the trunk is immediately washed with a napkin.
  5. Reproduction of the cactus of milkweed is done by the method of propagation. Cuttings are neatly cut in spring or summer. Then leave on a napkin to dry the cut for several days, after which it is placed in a moistened soil.
  6. Transplantation . Because of the rapid growth of the root system, the young plant needs a transplant in a new, enlarged pot every year, and an adult pot every two to three years. Regarding how to transplant the cactus spurge, it is necessary to lay a sufficient layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot, and then use a special primer for succulents.