Hyacinths - planting and care in the open ground

Bright multi-colored hyacinths are loved by many not only for their exquisite aroma, but also for being one of the first to break out of the earth in the spring. About the rules of planting and caring for hyacinths in the open field and will be discussed in our article.

Hyacinths - care and cultivation in the open ground

Thinking about the cultivation of hyacinths in the open field, it is necessary to take into account some features of this plant. So, unlike other bulbous cultures, hyacinths are quite demanding on the quality of the soil and the level of ground water, as well as the amount of sunlight. Absolutely not suitable for hyacinth wetlands and lowland areas, because in high humidity conditions the probability of fungal diseases is high. Do not like hyacinths and areas with depleted or depleted soil, as well as heavy clay beds - the bulbs on them will hurt and degenerate.

When to plant hyacinths in the open ground?

It is very important to be able to correctly determine the time when hyacinth bulbs are planted in the open ground. Usually in the middle zone landing time falls at the end of August and beginning of September, and in the southern regions it is not necessary to do this until the beginning of October. Violation of these terms in any direction is fraught with loss of plantations. So, if hyacinths are dropped too early, they will not only take root before the onset of cold weather, but will also start to grow. So, the first freezing will ruin both their foliage, and the weakened bulb. Late the hyacinths that have been planted will not have time to grow to a stable cooling system, which will lead to their death.

Planting hyacinths in the open ground

To ensure that the hyacinths safely started and at the appointed time pleased with lush bloom, you should observe all the rules of planting:

  1. The soil in the garden before the hyacinth planting should be properly prepared - dig, add potash and phosphorus fertilizers, if necessary, lime and lighten with sand. Preparatory work is finished no later than a month before the planned planting of the bulbs, and then covered with a thick opaque film, which prevents the growth of weeds.
  2. For planting in the open ground, medium sized bulbs are selected, undamaged and regular in shape. Before planting, they are pre-soaked for a while in a solution of foundation stone or manganese.
  3. The hyacinths are planted according to a strictly defined scheme, leaving intervals of 20 cm between large bulbs, and no more than 10 cm between small bulbs. The well for each bulb is buried 15 cm deep, and its bottom is covered with a layer of dry sand, which will act as drainage.
  4. After the end of the landing work and the sleep of the holes, a mulching layer of sawdust or peat is placed on top of the bed. With the onset of stable frosts, a layer of natural covering material is placed on top of the mulch - branches or lapnika.

How correctly to look after hyacinths?

The basic rules for hyacinth care in the open are:

  1. Since the hyacinths begin to peck in the early spring, Covering material from the bed should be removed immediately, as soon as the danger of severe frost passes.
  2. To water hyacinths is necessary with a certain degree of caution and only in those cases when there has not been rain for a long time. At the same time, water consumption averages 15 liters per square meter of the bed. 14 days after the end of flowering, watering should be stopped.
  3. For full bloom and reproduction, hyacinths require a fairly large amount of nutrients. Provide them can be through feeding, which must be repeated at least three times: when the first sprouts, during budding and after flowering.