Nantes carrot

Varieties of carrots there is a huge amount. To the tested domestic variants recently import import hybrids are actively added. And the number of local varieties in each individual region may not be accountable at all. However, when it comes to the classic variety, then, most likely, refers to the "Nantes" carrots. It's about her and her species that we'll talk about in this article.

Carrot «Nantes» 4

Variety of carrots Nantes 4 - is the most popular among gardeners variety. This variety is early maturing, fruits are formed after 3 months of vegetation. However, sometimes this period can last 4 months. Productivity is good, with 1 square. m can collect up to 6.5 kg of carrots. Fruits are well preserved and can be used for a long time both for consumption in raw form and for processing. By taste, this variety is one of the best.

The appearance of the root vegetables of Nantes carrot is the standard among all varieties. Fruits have a cylindrical shape with a small narrow tail. The color is bright orange, uniform throughout the surface. The color of the core and pulp is practically the same. Description of the fruit sizes of carrots of Nantes: in length the fruits can reach 16 cm, the weight of each of them varies from 70 to 160 g.

"Nantes" carrots are very demanding on the quality of the soil in which it is grown. Therefore, if you want to get a crop of even beautiful carrots, then you should plant the seeds in a light soil.

Carrot «Nantes» Improved

This type of carrot in its basic qualities is similar to the family of Nantes varieties. He is also relatively early. From the moment of the first shoots to the formation of the root crop passes from 90 to 100 days. Smooth cylindrical fruits can reach 20 cm in length and up to 150 g by weight.

Carrot "Nantes" Improved is a very juicy and sweet variety. Therefore it is recommended to grow for processing into juices . It also has an increased content of carotene.

Carrot "Nantes" red

This variety of Nantes carrot is medium-early, the vegetation period is about 80-100 days. Ripe root crops have a beautiful even cylindrical shape, and a red-orange hue. The fruit length on average is 16 cm. In diameter, carrots Nantes red can reach 6 cm. Weight from 90 to 160 g. The taste is sugar, the fruit is juicy and crispy.

This variety of carrots can withstand the major diseases that usually affect carrots, and also is resistant to color. Leaving is good, can be stored for a long time without changing the taste.