How to feed pepper seedlings after picking?

The introduction of fertilizers is the procedure for which such a culture as pepper reacts very favorably. In general, it is believed that the vegetable seedling needs at least two additional dressings - after picking (that is, transplanting into a separate pot) and two weeks after this. We'll tell you if you need to feed pepper seedlings and how to do it right.

The need to feed peppers after picking

Fertilizing is an essential aspect of growing pepper seedlings, especially if seed sowing was carried out in poor soil. Timely feeding will give forces to young plants for normal growth and good fruiting in the future. The lack of bait can affect the weakening of seedlings and, consequently, a weak crop.

Before podkormir seedling peppers after diving, consider two factors. First, fertilizers are introduced only by irrigation. Spraying is not suitable and will be a completely useless waste of time. Secondly, the fertilizer is produced seven to ten days after transplantation into a separate pot.

How to feed pepper seedlings after picking?

Since the main purpose of fertilizing during this period of development of seedlings is the growth and formation of resistance to diseases, use nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. There are a lot of options:

  1. 0.5 g of ammonia and 1 g of potassium nitrate are diluted in liter of water.
  2. 30 g of potassium nitrate are thoroughly stirred in a bucket of water for 10 liters.
  3. A pepper mix is ​​prepared by diluting 10 liters of water with superphosphate (3 tablespoons), ammonium nitrate (3-4 teaspoons) and ammonium nitrate (2 teaspoons).

If you do not like to tinker with the preparation of the solutions described above, there are several ready-made options than to feed seedlings of peppers at home. These are complex fertilizers, which must be diluted in water. The composition "Crystalon" has proved its worth. 20 g of the drug is stirred until completely dissolved in 10 liters of water. Another good mineral fertilizer is Kemira Plus, 30 g of which is bred in 10 liters of water.