Purity - medicinal properties, contraindications and recipes

Purity is a poisonous shrub. Nevertheless, its quality makes it possible to widely use the plant in folk medicine. Let's consider what are the healing properties of celandine and contraindications to its use, we will get acquainted with the recipes for the preparation of medicinal products.

The use of celandine

Thanks to the chemical composition of the amazing plant, people in ancient times developed recipes that maximally showed the useful properties of the celandine:

  1. The plant is widely used in oncologists, since it can block tumor growth.
  2. Means with celandine perfectly cope with infections, as they have pronounced antifungal and bactericidal qualities. These same qualities allow using celandine in the treatment of dermatological problems.
  3. Recipes with celandine juice can be used for small open wounds, given contraindications, since among its medicinal properties are wound healing and anesthetic effect.
  4. The plant is also useful in diseases of the respiratory tract - it has an expectorant property.
  5. Sometimes cleanliness is recommended as a diuretic and cholagogue.
  6. Decoctions and infusions of plants can remove spasms of smooth muscles.

Naturally, do not forget that the healing properties of celandine can not be used for contraindications. They include:

Even if there are no obvious contraindications, folk recipes based on the beneficial properties of celandine should be used with caution. Helidonin is present in the plant, which depresses the nervous system and is capable of causing paralysis when accumulated in the body.

Recipes that use the healing properties of celandine

With papillomas


Preparation and use

Raw materials are poured with alcohol and insist for 2 weeks in an unlit cool place. Take a month for 10-15 drops a day before eating. Simultaneously, the papillomas and warts are smeared with fresh plant juice.

With thrush


Preparation and use

Raw materials are poured with water, bring the liquid to a boil and, lowering the heat to a minimum, continue to cook for 10 minutes. The finished product is filtered and drunk in 2 divided doses. The course of treatment is one month.

With hemorrhoids


Preparation and use

It should be borne in mind that per kilogram of the patient's weight you need to take just ½ gram of raw materials. Mass pour hot water and leave alone for 2 hours. The finished solution is filtered and used for enemas with the appearance of pain and itching.

With cirrhosis of the liver


Preparation and use

Ingredients are mixed and two teaspoons of raw material is steamed with a glass of boiling water. To sustain the infusion, you need only 15-20 minutes. The product is filtered and consumed immediately before eating.

With angina


Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients, take a tablespoon of mass and steam it with a glass of boiling water. Then warm up the product in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. The filtered solution is used to rinse the larynx.

It is important to remember that all folk recipes that reveal the useful properties of celandine are used with contraindications and necessarily under the supervision of the attending physician.