First aid with a bite of karakurt

Karakurt is a special kind of spiders. They belong to the genus of black widows. A distinctive feature of female karakurt is the presence of thirteen red spots on the upper surface of the abdomen. This species of spider has a poison producing apparatus. That is why their bite represents a mortal danger to humans.

The reaction of the body to the bite of karakurt

The bite of karakurt is not painful. It can be compared to a prick pin. Some bitten do not even feel it, but only after 10-15 minutes a burning pain appears on the site of the bite. Rapidly spreading throughout the body, it gives to the joints of the legs, hands and shoulder blades. Very severe pain can occur in the affected person and in any lymph nodes. If you do not help with a bite of karakurt, the pain will last for several days.

Once the poison has got into the body, the person will develop and common signs of poisoning. These include:

The subsequent development of symptoms depends on the degree of toxicity of the poison and whether the first aid was given with a bite of the caracurt.

Help with a bite of karakurt

To treat poisoning use special hyperimmune serum from the bite of karakurt. It can only be used in a medical institution. But what if you go very far to the hospital? When you bite a spider of karakurt, you must immediately give first aid. This will significantly increase the likelihood of a successful outcome:

1. First of all, you need to suck out the poison from the wound of the victim. It is best to do this with the help of improvised tools that create a vacuum. But if they are not there, you can suck the poison out with your mouth. Poisonous spider secretions can get into the circulatory system, so you can help the bitten in this way, but only if you do not:

After this procedure is completed, rinse mouth thoroughly with plain water. Suction is effective in the first 10 minutes. After this time, it is absolutely useless.

2. Are the pain strong and cause a lot of discomfort? During the provision of emergency care with bites of karakurt on the area where a local reaction appeared, you can impose a cold compress. Reduce pain will help and any pain killers.

3. Is the leg or arm bitten? It should be quickly and maximally immobilized. To prevent the poison from spreading in the body, it is necessary to minimize the movement of the victim.

4. For faster removal of the poisonous substance, it is recommended to provide a bitten drink (preferably hot). But give him a drink in small doses. If a person has a chill, a strong tension in the muscles and a feeling of cold, it is allowed to warm the limbs.

What can not be done with a bite of karakurt?

Before the victim receives first aid at a bite of a karakurt or the serum is entered, categorically it is impossible:

  1. Carry out a variety of incisions, neither in the area of ​​wound, nor on other parts of the body. They will not help to remove the poison or alleviate the condition of the bitten. In this case, the incisions are quite dangerous, since they further injure a person.
  2. At a bite of a karakurt it is forbidden to impose a tourniquet. This can not be done above or below the area where a local reaction has appeared.

It is also not advisable to cauterize the wound with hot iron, charcoal sticks or a Chinese wormwood cigar. Harm does not do this, but there will be no benefit from such manipulations.