Methods of scientific knowledge - their classification, levels and forms

Various methods of scientific knowledge are used for research. They represent a certain set of general principles of the world outlook that are applied to solve problems of a practical and theoretical nature. They use methodology in different sciences and spheres of life.

Forms and methods of scientific knowledge

Methodology is a broad concept that has a broad structure. There is a basic classification of methods of scientific knowledge, which includes three main groups:

  1. Universal methods in philosophy describe the order of their application and the position of the world view. To them carry the basic fundamental principles and receptions for adjustment of any activity.
  2. General scientific methods are used in many sciences, but they do not have universality. They are divided into empirical and theoretical types.
  3. Special techniques are used in a number of sciences, which are used only by these sciences. For example, economic modeling refers only to economic science.

Philosophical methods of scientific knowledge

This group of methods is distinguished by the general nature of the application and uses it to analyze the phenomena of nature, social processes and meaningful decisions of man. There are different levels and methods of scientific knowledge, but traditionally there are two types: dialectical and metaphysical. Together with them, other philosophical methods are used: intuitional, hermeneutical and others. All these areas are legitimate and important in the framework of their concept.

Dialectical method of scientific knowledge

By this term we understand a certain system of principles and laws applied to the study and transformation of various objects and phenomena of reality. Scientific methods of knowledge of the world around include several principles:

  1. Interrelationships . Indicates that in the world there are no completely isolated things. In order to know a certain object it is necessary to determine its place in a system of interconnected things and surrounding phenomena.
  2. Specificity . It is based on cognitive operations that make up such a sequence: a general examination of the subject, the determination of facts and phenomena at the level of deep processes, the definition of the universal and the identification of a single and so on.
  3. Consideration of objects and phenomena from different sides . The method of scientific knowledge shows that it is impossible to correctly understand the meaning and purpose of any thing without careful consideration from all sides, the analysis of relations and other parameters.
  4. Historicism . It implies the consideration of an object in the process of its development, appearance and change in time.
  5. Contradictions . Shows the main and final source of development. It forms in people mental flexibility, the ability to adequately assess changes, accelerate or slow down the processes and determine the prospects for development.

Metaphysical method of cognition

Thinking, which uses one-sided and frozen concepts, is considered metaphysical. The main characteristics of this method include one-sidedness, absolutism, exaggeration of one or the other side. In philosophy, the methods of scientific knowledge have a number of principles and in metaphysics they are:

  1. All around should be considered separately, that is independently from each other.
  2. Absoluteness is confirmed, that is, the completeness of all connections in the world.
  3. Changes that occur with shaped things are considered either a growth process or a repetition of what has been traversed.
  4. The only source of change is the clash of external forces that oppose each other.

There are two varieties of the metaphysical method of scientific cognition:

  1. Sophistry . Reception, implying the conscious use of untruthful information in disputable situations, which is issued for the truth. This is done deliberately.
  2. Eclecticism . Methodological method, involving the connection of separate and often incompatible thoughts, facts, and so on.

Empirical methods of scientific knowledge

This level of scientific knowledge is based on an in-depth study of a particular object that interests. For this, observations and numerous experiments are used. The methods of the empirical level of scientific cognition fix important characteristics of the object of investigation, which can be verified in practice. Such methods are used to study the surrounding world, but they are based on the sensations and accurate data of the measuring instruments. Theoretical methods of scientific knowledge are used to study various phenomena and new discoveries.

Observation as a method of scientific knowledge

This type of observation is distinguished by the long character of the study. He is characterized by objectivity, certainty and uniqueness. The main methods of scientific knowledge include observations based on a certain hypothesis and recording the facts obtained. They have their functions: they provide information to the person, they make it possible to compare and verify the results obtained as a result of preliminary studies conducted in theory.

Experiment as a method of scientific knowledge

This term is understood as the active actions of a person aimed at changing the process that he is studying. In addition, the experiment includes the recording of changes in the process and its reproduction. All levels, methods, forms of scientific cognition are more or less connected with experiments that require more effort than observations. The learning process involves creating isolated conditions to exclude extraneous influence. Many methods of scientific knowledge consist of stages, and the experiment is no exception:

  1. First, planning and step-by-step construction of research are carried out. At this stage, the goal, means and so on are determined.
  2. An experiment is being carried out, which is carried out under complete control.
  3. When the active phase is completed, the interpretation of the results begins.

Methods of scientific knowledge - comparison

This type of research is used to identify common or distinctive features related to a particular subject or phenomenon. All methods and means of scientific knowledge must meet specific requirements and, in the case of comparison, there are two: research is conducted between objects that have real common characteristics and for comparison do not use all the signs of objects and phenomena, but only the most important ones. Comparison can be implemented in such ways:

  1. Straight . Used if there is no third object, that is, a reference.
  2. Indirect . In this case, the qualities are compared against an object that is considered ideal.

General scientific methods of scientific knowledge

To represent the course of knowledge in all sciences, it is customary to use general scientific methods. They distinguish general methodological patterns, for example, research, observation, modeling, probabilistic method and so on. Universal methods of scientific knowledge include the logic that all people use. Studies are conducted using analysis and other methods.

Induction and deduction, as methods of scientific knowledge

The presented pair of methods has an indissoluble connection with each other and one can not exaggerate the significance of one by reducing the role of the other. The concept of the method of scientific knowledge describes the significance of deduction, as the transition of knowledge from general understanding to the particular and the individual. In this case, really existing general knowledge is used as a starting point for reasoning. Deduction has a tremendous force of persuasion, and it is used to prove various theorems in any field.

Methods of scientific knowledge include induction, which is understood as the change in the process of cognition from details to general, that is, the reverse process from deduction. It is used when it is necessary to generalize the results obtained from observations and experiments. The main purpose of induction is to form general judgments, for example, hypotheses, generalizations, theorems, and so on. The peculiarities of this method of scientific cognition include its probable character, that is, its application does not guarantee the attainment of truth.

Modeling as a method of scientific knowledge

Apply this kind of research since antiquity, and now it extends to many areas of science. It is understood as the process of developing, studying and using different models. Methods of scientific knowledge of the world of dough are related to each other, so, with the simulation, abstraction, analogy, hypothesis and so on interact. The need for their application is determined by the fact that many objects can not be investigated or all manipulations will take more than one day. Modeling consists of such elements: subject, object and model, mediating the relationship between them.

Analysis and synthesis, as methods of scientific knowledge

One of the most commonly used methods is analysis, which is understood as the mental division of an object into elements in order to study its structure, attributes, and other parameters. The use of methods of scientific knowledge and in this case analysis helps to get to the truth. As a logical operation, analysis is included in all scientific research and is used at the initial stage. Analysis can move from the material and the practical to the mental.

Methods of scientific cognition include synthesis, which is understood as the mental combination of the composite elements, properties and other characteristics of the object obtained as a result of the analysis. He defines distinctive features, and synthesis distinguishes the general, which connects objects into a single whole. It can be concluded that these two concepts (analysis and synthesis) have a connection, and they take their origin in different types of activity. Such methods and forms of scientific knowledge in philosophy can be:

  1. Direct or empirical . Applied at the stage of initial acquaintance with the object. With the help of such analysis and synthesis it is possible to understand the phenomena of the object chosen for study.
  2. Elementary-theoretical . Thanks to the methods presented, it is possible to determine the real essence of the phenomenon that is being investigated. As a result, it will be possible to determine the cause-effect relationships and highlight the existing patterns.