COPD - treatment

Millions of people in the world suffer from COPD, a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Particularly unfavorable for the condition of bronchopulmonary tissues is influenced by work in harmful production and a polluted environment. The situation is exacerbated by the massive prevalence of smoking and a low standard of living. Unfortunately, COPD is usually diagnosed at late stages of development, when irreversible processes occur in the patient's body, and the therapy of the disease is difficult. Consider modern approaches to the treatment of COPD, as well as get acquainted with the methods of combating the severe disease offered by traditional medicine.

Modern methods of treatment of COPD

The following methods of COPD therapy are distinguished:

Treatment of COPD with medicines should be carried out continuously. Medicines enter the body mainly in the form of inhalations, their therapeutic focus is to relieve dyspnea and improve the overall condition. Pulmonologists prescribe such drugs as:

  1. Anticholinergics , which relieve severe manifestations of the disease and improve lung function. The most known of the group of AHP is the short-term ipratropium bromide; from long-acting drugs, tiotropium bromide should be noted;
  2. β2-agonists , stimulating smooth muscle cell receptors and relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchi. β2-agonists are also of short and long duration;
  3. Theophyllines , which reduce pulmonary hypertension and increase the work of the respiratory muscles. In contrast to the above mentioned drugs, theophyllines enter the body either orally or by injection;
  4. Glucocorticosteroids - drugs with anti-inflammatory effect are acceptable in the treatment of severe COPD.
  5. Antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the microflora, which is in sputum, allocated to the patient.

In addition, mucolytics are used in COPD therapy (in the presence of viscous sputum), and in order to prevent exacerbation and during epidemics of influenza , mandatory vaccination of patients is carried out. In the presence of edema the doctor prescribes diuretics.

Attention! For treatment of COPD of mild and moderate severity, short-acting drugs are used, and in case of severe form of the disease - prolonged action.

Oxygen therapy is indicated for patients suffering from hypoxia. To measure the oxygen level in the blood, a pulse oximeter is used or blood is given for analysis in the laboratory. Oxygen therapy can be carried out both in a hospital and at home.

To facilitate the allocation of sputum, patients with COPD are recommended to drink a generous alkaline drink - mineral water such as Borjomi, Essentuki, etc. In case of difficulty separating the secreted secret, a positional drainage or a vibrating massage can be carried out.

Treatment of COPD in the home

Supplement COPD treatment, as determined by a doctor, can be folk remedies. Recipes of traditional medicine are based on the application of:

When exacerbating COPD, we recommend using a collection consisting of licorice roots, althea roots, sweet clover, wild mallow and chamomile flowers, anise fruits taken in equal proportions. 3 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 1 hour. Take infusion should be 100 ml 3 times a day.