Reproduction of chrysanthemums by cuttings

These beautiful flowers leave no one indifferent, the many petals and aroma associated with the autumn give chrysanthemums a certain charm and unusual. Lush caps of flowers and their bright colors are pleasing to the eye, and you want to acquire this beauty in your own garden.

How to propagate chrysanthemum cuttings?

This method of reproduction of chrysanthemums is recognized as the most qualitative and effective. Breeders during the mass flowering choose the best flowers, focusing on varietal characteristics, flower growth, absence of diseases and pests. By autumn, the selected plants are carefully excavated without damaging the roots, and planted in specially prepared large flowerpots.

Grades with small flowers can be transplanted at any time, and in addition, they feel good in spacious pots and can even be used as an ornament of any interiors.

Before growing chrysanthemum from the cuttings, you need to wait for the plant to fade and then proceed to pruning. Cropped chrysanthemums arrange for "wintering" in a cool room with a temperature of 5-6 ° C. Cuttings of chrysanthemums are collected in the beginning of spring, but if necessary they have a large number of cuttings can begin in February.

Growing chrysanthemums from cuttings

About a week after the selected queen cells were transferred to heat, the appearance of the root shoot begins. In this period it is important to remove old stems so that no "stumps" remain. It should be noted that the shoots that appeared on the old part of the bush are not suitable for reproduction because of their inferiority. Cut the cuttings only from shoots from the root of the shoot, at the same time they must have at least 4-5 sheets. The cut, as a rule, is carried out under the knot or right in the middle of the internode.

In case you want to get a lot of cuttings from one queen cell, cuttings can be harvested within two weeks, sending them to storage in a refrigerator, after wrapping them in moist paper. Rooting is better done at the same time to obtain evenly growing shrubs.

Before you root the stalk of chrysanthemum, stock up a suitable container and perlite, vermiculite, possibly with the addition of sand. According to breeders' observations, the most favorable soil for cuttings is perlite, disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. For the cuttings you can use the picking boxes, you can plant up to 100 cuttings in a standard box at a depth of 2 centimeters. Complete rooting will occur within two weeks and depends directly on the plant variety.

Care of cuttings

Daily watering of the cuttings and their spraying are necessary. As soon as you notice the growth of the planted cuttings, you can safely say that the rooting was successful. It will be superfluous to feed cuttings with nitrogen fertilizer because perlite does not contain nutrients. Do not worry that by the time you landed cuttings in the ground, they may look worse than those that are rooted in another substrate. The peculiarity of perlite in the qualitative development of the root system of the plant is approximately 2 times better than in another earth mixture.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums by cuttings in autumn suggests rooting during the summer and the subsequent earlier flowering of the bush the following year. Getting the cuttings and planting them is done using the same technology, only it is necessary to season the seedlings before planting in the ground. Quenching is carried out by carrying out seedlings per day from the greenhouses to the penumbra, protected from the wind. This procedure is carried out 4-5 times, after which the plants better transfer the transplant to a permanent place.