Signs of May

How many different signs associated with May: get married - all my life to suffer, and even to get involved in money matters was not recommended, since the crafty still confuses everything. However, on the other hand, the last month of spring is patronized by Lada - the goddess of love , happiness and beauty, so you can believe in signs, but with an eye for today's realities.

Signs and traditions of May

First of all, you can not fail to note the first day of this month, or rather the night from April 30 to May 1. In different nations, this day is called in its own way, but the meaning remains the same - all the evil spirit activates its activity, and the witches flock to the Sabbath, tossing the cubs to the women, and seducing the young girls by turning to beautiful girls. On the Walpurgis night of May 1 there is a sign associated with those who were born at this time. It is believed that women become witches, and men have unusual abilities. In general, on this day it is customary to burn bonfires, have fun, hold carnivals and processions.

Some believe that there is such a sign - born in May to be toiling, but this is more related to a combining marriage, but those who celebrate their birthday this month, on the contrary, are protected by Lada and do not have problems with the opposite sex. To all the lovers Lada sends her blessing.

Other traditions and harbingers of May

I must say that all the thoughts of our ancestors concerned the coming harvest. From its quantity and quality depended on the life of each family individually and the whole village as a whole, so the majority will take into account just crops, weather, etc. There are a lot of signs associated with the thunderstorm in early May. If the thunder is short, the weather will soon be fine. But the sky, covered with clouds, which in shape resemble elongated seeds of lentils, heralds an imminent thunderstorm.

In general, the weather at the beginning of the month paid special attention, because it was believed that than warmer in the first days, the colder it will be at the end of the month. In May, 8th, people always prayed for rain and asked God to save crops from drought, but frequent cold rains could lead to a lack of honey. On the thirteenth day they stopped their matchmaking and switched completely to work in the field. The time for planting seedlings began , and it was customary that the oldest woman in the family should do this in the early morning, while no one can see and can not jinx it. In May 22 the number was honored one of the most powerful saints - St. Nicholas. Since that day, good warm weather was already being established and people were beginning to wait for the summer.