What can not be done on Nut saved?

The third Savior called a holiday, which was popularly named - Nut Spas. "Fruit" name he received due to the time of celebration - August 29. By this time, nuts are finally ripening. Although the holiday is attributed various names - Bread Savior, Small, canvas. The church holiday is associated with the memory of the Image of the Holy Face. Earlier on this day, it was customary to sow rye under the winter. The main harvest for this period was in full swing. Also at this time, the fairs began, on which canvases and canvases were sold. Before the holiday, it is accepted to withstand a two-week fast, which is connected with one more church holiday - Uspenny. What not to do with the Nut Savior - read on.

Somehow everything is going well by the end of summer with holidays. It remains to receive a blessing on the nuts and to think over the folk customs and traditions of the Nut Savior.

Signs and superstitions of the Nut Spas

On this holiday it was not customary to give up work, since the end of summer and autumn is not for idleness. Therefore, the people still have jokes and sayings related to Orekhov or the Bread Savior - "The Third Savior of Bread is stocked". On Khlebny (Halschev or Nut) Spas it was customary in all temples to consecrate bread, nuts, just ears of grain. Mistresses baked a lot of bread to feed them beggars and strangers. Pies with nuts treated to all relatives. Our ancestors were observant people. Hence many people's signs. For example, to find two fused hazel trees in the forest was considered a great success for the whole year. A broken nut tree on the way promised a failure, from this path it was necessary to get off. From the walnut twigs made a broom. And on the day of the holiday it was customary to sweep the floors in the house to drive out all ills and troubles.

Signs of the Nut Savior for a girl

Girls on vydanya wondered about the nut rods, to learn about the imminent marriage. If the girl came across the first ripe nut, it was necessary to eat it herself, so as to taste it, determine the bitterness or sweetness of the upcoming marriage. If you come across a large, ripe, delicious nut - this is to a big and strong love . The bitter aftertaste pointed to the future betrayals of the narrowed. If you come across a ripe outside, but not ripe inside the nut - this is important news. A rotten nut, of course, did not bode well.

With the onset of the Nut Savior came the time of autumn, and with it - all kinds of signs of this season. If the Spas was raining with a thunderstorm, it boded a warm autumn. There were a lot of weddings. And if the Swallows left their native places on the Walnut Spit, the cranes flew away, this indicated the arrival of the early winter cold. Had to hurry up with the wedding. By the way, they knew how to prepare for the cold. For example, our great-great-grandmothers knew many recipes for tinctures from colds cooked on the basis of nuts. After all, nuts give strength, energy.