How to bake a cake?

Unlike biscuit, the real muffin has a noticeably denser and oily crumb that breaks up into large pieces when trying to crush it. Like a biscuit, the cake can be permeated with a wide variety of syrups, covered with glaze or cream, but it can also be a completely self-sufficient dish. More details on how to bake a cake we will talk in recipes from this material.

How to bake a cake with raisins in the oven - recipe

We start with a standard cupcake with raisins, in which, in order to obtain fragrant baking, we decided to add citrus peel.



Before commencing kneading the test, make sure to use a soft enough oil for it. After pouring sugar into the soft oil, turn the ingredients into an airy white cream. After, without stopping the whipping, start adding one egg. When the eggs are in the oil mixture, send there the vanilla extract and lemon zest, and then gradually pour in the milk.

Combine the remaining two dry ingredients in the face of flour and baking powder. Begin by adding portions of the dry mixture to the base of the cake, and pour it into an oiled and flour-filled baking form when the test is ready.

Now it remains to send the form to the oven for an hour at 180.

How to bake a delicious chocolate cake?

As a base of chocolate cake you can use cocoa, chocolate or a mixture of them. In the recipe below we decided to stay on the last option.



Initially, mix the cocoa powder with water until all the lumps are removed and a uniform pasty mixture is formed. After, sift the dry ingredients and go on to whipping the cream out of butter, eggs and sugar. When you get a whitish lush mass, pour milk to it, if you want, add fragrances. After the milk, send and chocolate pasta, and after mixing start to pour in the dry ingredients.

Distribute the dough in a mold, bake it at 180 degrees for about an hour.

If you do not know how to bake a cupcake in a multivarque or bread maker, you can use this recipe as a basis. In the case of a multivar after mixing the dough, the cake is cooked for an hour on "Baking", for the bread maker also use "Baking" or a special mode "Cupcake".

How to bake a curd cake quickly and deliciously?

It is known that dairy products make pastries more juicy, and crumb - dense, not an exception is and this is a cake dough. Cottage cheese in this case it is better to take a soft and fatty so that it can be easily beaten without leaving grains in the finished product.



Unlike previous recipes, in which oil was only whipped with sugar, another ingredient will join this pair - cottage cheese. When the creamy mass is whipped, sprinkle a couple of lemons on it and add the eggs. Repeat the beating, then start to add a mixture of flour and baking powder. When the dough is ready, distribute it in a mold and leave it at 180 degrees for 50 minutes. After cooling, the cake can be divided into pieces and served with cream or berries, or simply by yourself, in addition to a cup of tea.