Butter is good and bad

Butter is undoubtedly one of the most common products around the world. More than half the world's population includes it in the daily diet. Today, on the shelves of shops you can meet butter, the fat content of which can vary from 70 to 85%, although according to the requirements of GOST, a high-quality product should be at least 82.5% fat. However, not everyone knows that this product is not always useful. We will study all the pros and cons of this frequenter of refrigerators.

The Benefits of Butter

The composition of butter is vitamin A , which is very necessary in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It serves as a kind of "lubricant" for small ulcers, which can occur as a result of malnutrition, stress and other negative effects on the body. It should be noted that it takes no more than 15 grams per day. Especially useful is the content of butter in the diet of people predisposed to cancer. Scientists have proved that the oleic acid contained in this product with daily use significantly reduces the risk of cancer.

The use of butter for men engaged in hard work is difficult to overestimate. The thing is that this kind of butter, like all fatty foods, is the best source for obtaining energy. As a result of its processing, the body replenishes the reserves of vital energy and even in a harsh climate allows you to maintain good performance throughout the day.

The benefits of butter for women are much more significant than for the strong half of humanity. It has been experimentally discovered that the fats of this product have a beneficial effect on the cells of the brain, promoting their active regeneration. And since in everyday life the weaker sex has to make difficult decisions on a regular basis and keep many factors in mind - a small amount of butter will stimulate brain activity and energy in one person.

Dish of butter

Of course, everything that we eat must be carefully balanced and proportionate. Therefore, you can not abuse the eating of oil. In reasonable quantities, this product benefits, however, a constant excess of the daily rate can lead to increased cholesterol and the occurrence of cholesterol plaques, which is dangerous for people, especially elderly and prone to obesity. Excessive use can also provoke arteriosclerosis of blood vessels.

Another disadvantage may be the purchase of a substandard product, because it is not uncommon to sell ersatz in stores - a product similar in composition with natural butter and differing from its natural counterpart only by adding a large amount of flavors, dyes and emulsifiers. A sandwich with such a supplement will not exactly be a useful breakfast for the whole family, but, on the contrary, it can cause damage to the walls of the arteries due to the fatty acid content of trans-isomers. Avoid buying a poor-quality product will help line with the composition on the packaging of butter. It is worth remembering that no artificial impurities and markings on the restoration there should be no constituent substances. Also, do not buy the product if it has a fat content of less than 80%. Such a product will in most cases contain all kinds of additives.


Thus, do not make hasty conclusions and put butter, the benefit and harm of which equally is the place to be, in the black list of products. Even if you decide to go on a diet, a small amount of this component of the diet is very useful for the body and allows it to function properly, supporting life forces throughout the day. The main thing is to know the extent - this is the whole secret!