Dietary salad for weight loss

Salad - a universal dish: it can be light and hearty, warm and cold, used as a snack, snack or main meal. And most importantly - there are so many options for salads that when you get tired of one recipe, you can always find a new one. Depending on what kind of foods you use for a salad, this dish can have different calories. And using dietary salads for weight loss, you can achieve weight loss without a debilitating feeling of hunger.

Dietary salads: caloric content

Low-calorie dietary salads - definitely lead in the ranking of salads, which are used for weight loss. As ingredients, they use any raw vegetables, boiled or baked vegetables, except potatoes, corn, peas, carrots and beets, and sometimes they add fruit or berries, boiled chicken breast. A portion of a normal salad of vegetables with light dressing - about 50 kcal, with the addition of chicken - up to 100 kcal.

As a rule, prepare dietary salads without mayonnaise, using as a dressing one of the following options:

To obtain an amazing range of flavors, it is recommended to experiment and supplement salads with different variations of the sauce.

Simple dietary salads

The greatest demand now is simple recipes, preparation for which does not take much time. Pay attention to these options:

Gherkin salad



Cucumbers cut into thin chopsticks, from above put greenery and green onions. Make a dressing, mixing the vinegar, oil, salt and pepper. Pour the salad and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Done!

Japanese salad



Cut cucumbers and peppers with thin chopsticks, chicken breast - slices. Make a dressing by mixing soy sauce with garlic, pour the salad and add the sesame.

Light dietary salads

"Lightness" salad



All ingredients chop randomly, fill with any dressing to taste. This salad can be used both as a side dish and as an independent dish.

"Quick" salad



Cut the cucumbers into slices, chop the lettuce, mix everything with mushrooms. Add the dressing, mixing 2 parts of yogurt and 1 part mustard.

Delicious dietary salads

Delicious salads, as a rule, include a greater variety of foods than quick ones. Although the time of their preparation is somewhat greater, their taste is completely justified.

Grilled Vegetables Salad



Cut all the vegetables into slices and fry them on an aerogrill or on a grate in the oven. Then lay the vegetables on a lettuce leaf, the remaining leaves are torn and laid on top. Add the dressing by mixing 2 parts of soy sauce and 1 part garlic.