How to save on nutrition?

Perhaps, everyone (say, the majority) in life comes the time of discovery - here you have calculated how much you spend on food. It turns out that the amount is so substantial that it's like thinking about how it would be nice not to eat, then all this money could be spent on ... But let's learn how to save on nutrition, and at the same time, fully and tasty to eat.

Do not fall for tricks

In stores and supermarkets, the most expensive goods are always placed on the central shelves - for this the store receives a kind of "premium" from the manufacturer, and from us the guaranteed waste of money. Near the cashiers, where we have to stand in lines, put those goods that are able to "melt" the heart of any of us: some little things, lighters and bars, it seems like nothing, and come in handy in the household. All this, and much, much more is called marketing ploys, from which we, smart consumers, are saved as we can, and we are caught "on the bait".

In order not to come across, you need to adhere to the first rule how to save on food - stick to the list and not go through the rows looking for something else.

We make reserves

In summer and autumn, vegetables and fruits are sold for a pittance, if only not to spoil. At this moment, and not a cold January morning and it is worth preparing a pie with forest berries. In addition, canned, dried, frozen. Dried and frozen (but not repeatedly unfrozen) vegetables, fruits and berries retain their valuable substances, losing only moisture. That only of them you can not cook! And canned goods - compotes, jams, jams, jams, though not very useful, and even too sweet, but still, if desired, it is from them that you can prepare berry mousses and pies in the middle of winter.

We look at the shelves and compare

Returning to the topic of laying in stores, we want to warn that on the lower shelves there are always the cheapest goods (the most expensive ones are at eye level), and with the edge of the shelf - the freshest, since the central places are occupied by products with expiring term - the manufacturer wants to get rid of them quickly.


A very important aspect of the economic approach to purchases are discounts. The purchase of long-term storage products ( macaroni , sunflower oil, cereals, sugar, flour, etc.), and there is a direct answer to the question of how to save money on nutrition. It's one thing to buy two loaves of bread, because the second give 25% discount and eat for a day instead of one, and quite another to get times cheaper than sunflower oil, which you just pour into a portioned bottle for convenience. Its something you do not spend a day with all the desire?