The fern flower in Slavic mythology - how it looks and how to find it?

The ancient Slavs had many beautiful legends, and a huge number came to this day. In one of the most popular central figure is the flower of the fern. Many people dream of finding it and ripping it, because it is believed that it is capable of doing miracles.

Fern flower - what is it?

Fern is one of the most ancient plants, and it grew at a time when dinosaurs walked the earth. The peculiarities of this plant include the presence of a large number of elongated leaves, which are collected in rosettes. Often they are compared to the feathers of birds. Many people are interested in what a fern flower looks like, so scientists confirm that it's impossible to see buds. If you look at the plant from below, you can consider the small points of brown, which can be taken as "flowers".

A fern flower is a myth or a reality?

People do not cease to believe in miracles, even if scientists prove that the claimed is unrealistic. The fern flower in Slavic mythology was of great importance, and every year a huge number of people dreamed of finding it. In science, a very simple explanation for the "fairy tale" was found. According to the legend, during the flowering the plant is shining, so scientists say that in the wet places where the fern grows, there are many fireflies. In addition, some plants in the forest produce poisonous vapors that cause hallucinations, and a person can seem anything.

The Legend of the Fern Flower

From ancient times we got a beautiful story, the main character of which was Semargle , who guarded the sun and was a brother of Perun. On one day he fell in love with the Bathing Room - the tender goddess of the night, which seemed very inaccessible, but she answered the young man's feelings. The problem was that Semargle had to constantly be on his sunny throne, and the Cesspool was the ruler of the night.

Lovers could not resist the feelings, and on June 21 (old style) they merged, and this day was recognized as the summer equinox. After some time, the couple had two children, who were named Kostroma and Kupal. Perun decided to make a present to his brother and in honor of the birth of his nephews, he presented them with a fern flower for happiness, which had enormous power.

How to find a fern flower?

According to the legends, exactly at midnight, a magical fiery red flower literally blossoms out for Ivan Kupala for a moment, which shines so brightly that not everyone can sustain its glow. People, when they are looking for a flower of a fern, must read prayers and necessarily believe in miracles. It is believed that anyone who can find and disrupt him will have enormous power, and he will be able to see all the hidden treasures and open any doors, hence the name "gap-grass".

It was difficult to find the flower of the fern because of the fact that on the Kupala night the plant is guarded by spirits that tear it off right after the bud opening. If a person managed to get a flower, then he was expected to be tested and tested by the evil forces. In one version it is stated that the fern must remain in its place until the morning, until the demons depart. It is interesting that in the story of N. Gogol "The Night Before Ivan Kupala" is told about the flowering of the fern.

When does the flower fern flower?

According to legend, you can see the miracle, that is, the flowering of the fern, only once a year - on the night of 23 to 24 June (in a new style - July 6-7). In ancient times Slavs praised Dazhbog on that day, and a few years later the Orthodox Church turned a pagan celebration into a Christian holiday. Since then, believers on this day remember St. John the Baptist or Ivan Kupala. It is worth noting that according to one version, the flower of the fern is a miracle that can be seen only once in a hundred years.

Where to find the flower of the fern?

The plant loves damp and warm places, therefore it is necessary to recover in search of lakes, rivers and swamps. Rarely, but you can see ferns and meadows. It should be borne in mind that the magic flower is hidden from people, so it is very difficult to find it, and you will have to go to a remote forest, where there are no other wishing to obtain magical powers. It has already been mentioned why they are looking for a fern flower, so you need to remember about competitors who are striving to become rich.

How to break a fern flower?

Deciding to go in search of a miracle flower, you must always bring a knife and a white tablecloth. There are several rules concerning how to rip off a fern:

  1. If luck has smiled, and you were able to make sure that the fern flower exists, then you need to sit down next to each other, spreading a tablecloth and outlining a protective circle around yourself and plants.
  2. It is important to sit next to the flower from the north side. Concentrate on the plant and do not get distracted by other thoughts and sounds.
  3. At midnight there will be a feeling that invisible forces want to attack, scary cries and shadows will appear. It is necessary to withstand the test and in no case to leave the painted protective circle.
  4. Go around the flower of the fern three times, uttering the words of any prayer, for example, "Our Father". After that, quickly tear off the flower and cover it with a prepared tablecloth and run home. In no case do not turn around, because if you break this rule, you can lose the amulet "flower of the fern". In addition, there is a legend that dark forces can take their soul with them.

What to do with the flower of the fern?

It remains to find out what to do with the flower to get its energy. The best solution is to dry the bud so it does not deteriorate. You can also put the flower in a bag. As a result, you will get a powerful amulet, which you must constantly carry with you. The flower of the fern is a symbol that attracts happiness, which gives the ability to see the treasures and protects against any evil force . In addition, it is considered a powerful love magnet and with its help you can draw to yourself any person. The flower of the fern is a Slavic symbol of luck, and there is also the opinion that it gives strength to understand the language of the flora and fauna.

Fern flower - signs

The strength of the flower has been said a lot, but there are a lot of signs relating to the plant itself.

  1. If you can not find the flower of the fern for luck, then you can put in the house this plant in a pot that improves the atmosphere in the room, filling it with vital energy and harmonizing the state of mind.
  2. With the help of ferns, it is possible to establish relationships in the family and, to a greater extent, between people of different ages.
  3. To protect yourself, your family and the house against evil spirits, it is recommended to keep a fern in the house. Note that if his leaves began to twist and fade, it is a signal that someone has caused damage.
  4. According to one of the signs, a flower is able to warn a person against ill-considered financial expenses.
  5. Since many wanted to take possession of the miracle plant, the ancient Slavs made the "Fern" charm, which possesses powerful protective properties and attracts happiness to man.
  6. It is important to consider that the fern is an "energy vampire", since it needs a lot of energy for normal growth. To avoid negative effects, place the pot near a TV or other electrical appliance.