Alissum - growing out of seeds, when planting seedlings - the main moments of simple care

Questions about the plant alissum, growing out of seeds, when planted and what to feed, are equally of interest to gardeners with different luggage of knowledge. This plant is classified as commercial, because it does not require the financial and time costs, but grows and blossoms record quickly.

Alissum - growing out of seeds

This plant has won the love of gardeners by the ease of cultivation. Even minimal efforts and attention will necessarily have a qualitative impact on the result. Grow a mottled carpet of seeds easily at home, and directly in the open ground. Planting of alissum and care are reduced to moderate watering, thinning and minimum application of fertilizers. To speed up the process and get the result in June, you'll have to put it in boxes. Sowing directly into the open ground will ensure the flowers bloom only by the middle of July.

When to plant an allusion to the seedlings?

The beauty of this perennial does not depend on your efforts. Seasonal precipitation and minimal care is enough for the alissum to grow, and any newcomer can plant seeds.

  1. Directly on the plot you can plant in the spring immediately after frost or in the fall before the first snow. Before this, the site is dug by adding calcium. Seeds scatter on the surface, not covering the top with a layer of soil. If the temperature does not fall below 16 ° C, the first shoots will appear in a week. Two weeks are necessary for shoots to get stronger, then the beds are weeded. Between the sprouts should remain approximately 12 cm.
  2. To achieve an early flowering in the current season, you can plant seeds for seedling seedling at home. The timing of planting the alissum on the seedlings is at the beginning of March.

How to plant an allusion to the seedlings?

Seeds need light to germinate, so when growing at home, they can not be sprinkled with soil. Sowing the alissum on seedlings is a simple process, but requiring some attention from the florist.

  1. In the boxes fall asleep nutrient substrate, adding a little bit of lime. The earth should be light.
  2. The planting material is spread over the surface and pressed slightly with the palm. Even a small layer of soil can complicate the growing process, so they can not be sprinkled.
  3. From the atomizer you need to water the ground and cover the boxes with a transparent film to achieve the greenhouse effect.
  4. To germinate the seeds should ensure that the temperature in the room is not lower than 18 ° C. When the first shoots appear, you should wait a week and remove the film.

Care of seedlings of alissum after sprouting

With the advent of sprouts, it is impossible to rush with top dressing. Complex fertilizers are introduced only after the appearance of the first real leaflet. In the question, what to feed the alissum, the quantity does not guarantee the fortress of the seedlings. Excess fertilizing is fatal for them. Do not overmoist the soil, because this flower is better tolerated by the dryness of the soil. Badly affect the seedlings and the temperature is too high.

How to dive an alissum?

When the seedlings will acquire two or three real leaves, the alissum picking begins on individual pots. After this procedure, you can feed once a week with complex supplements. The last two weeks of the last spring month the pots are taken to fresh air for several hours. When the earth is warmed up, and this period comes at the end of May, it is possible to plant it in its permanent place in the garden. When planting, the distance between plantings should not be less than 15 cm. It should be planted directly with an earthen lump. For large varieties, the distance between plantings can be 30 cm.

Alissum - landing and care in the open ground

This plant successfully grows and without the constant intervention of the gardener. However, the beauty of flowering will be many times brighter, if you put a little effort. Landing alissum in the open ground, or rather transshipment, under the power of the newcomer. Cultivation consists of several simple points.

  1. Moisture is important for growing in the flowering period. If the soil is dry at a depth of 3 cm, you can water a little planting. Virtually always enough seasonal precipitation, because excess moisture leads to rotting plants.
  2. Feeding depends on the variety: perennials are needed only once in the spring, annuals are fed for the season four times. For alissum, growing from seeds, when planted in nutritive soil, will be successful only with the use of mineral fertilizers. Lush flowering will ensure the introduction of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.
  3. Pruning is needed after flowering. The faded stems are cut at 5 cm, and the dried up - for the entire length. For perennial varieties you need a third pruning: this stimulates the laying of buds of flowering for the next season.
  4. The plant is a relative of cabbage, therefore pests and diseases are common to them. You can treat it with Bordeaux fluid or use ready-made preparations.