How to plant corn seeds in the open ground - simple rules of preparation and planting

Before planting corn seeds in the open ground, you need to familiarize yourself with the technique of growing such a plant. This is a useful protein culture, it is suitable for cultivation in different climatic zones. Grow corn for flour, flakes, it is excellent for feeding cattle, poultry.

Corn - planting and care in the open ground

Corn is a tall culture up to 3 meters high with an in-depth sprouting root system. She likes warmth and light. Planting corn seeds in the open ground is carried out in a warm place with extensive access to sunlight. The culture is unpretentious to the soil, the best solution will be a site with a shallow groundwater table. Plant the culture from the lee side - it perfectly protects the plot from the wind. If you plant corn on the plantation, taking into account all the terms and rules, then in the second half of the summer you can get a good harvest.

Corn precursors in planting

The perfect soil for culture will be the breathable chernozem on which the best predecessors of corn grew:

After them, the land needs to be cleared in the fall - to remove the weeds, the tops, dig deeper, fertilize the overgrown manure - 5 liters per square meter. Also, add 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of ammonium nitrate and 20 g of potassium sulfide per m 2 of the plot. In the spring - nitrofosku 50 g per 1 m 2 and loosen the soil, the area aligned. It is not recommended to plant the culture after millet - they are affected by the same fungal disease. If you competently feed corn during the whole pore vegetation, then after it on the site it is better to cultivate dill, sage, basil, beet or zucchini.

When to plant corn in the open ground?

Before planting corn seeds in the open ground with a non-seeded method, it is necessary to wait until the earth has warmed up to an acceptable temperature of +10 - 12 ° C and there is no risk of recurrent frost. Since this plant is sensitive even to low plus temperatures, it is not worth hurrying with seed seeding - in conditions less than +10 ° С they can not germinate, and immature plants in the case of cooling will stop growth.

The timing of planting corn in the open ground is completely dependent on the prevailing weather conditions and the growing region. In the south of the country they occur at the beginning of May, in the more northern regions the crops are shifted for 2 weeks and fall at the end of May. In particularly cool areas, the seedlings are covered with dark agrofiber (attracts ultraviolet rays) to warm the earth.

How to soak the corn before planting?

Before planting corn seeds directly in the open ground, it is better to germinate them. Seeded seeds will yield 100% yield, and processing them with special compounds will make them stronger and more active. Rules for germination of seeds:

  1. For the beginning of a seed it is necessary to hold days five in heat on the sun, wrapped up in any natural material that they well warmed up.
  2. After the seeds must be soaked in a growth stimulant or a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.
  3. Then rinse the planting material with clean water and dry it on paper.
  4. Soaking the corn before planting is most conveniently carried out in a plastic container with a lid, on the bottom of which it is necessary to put a heavily moistened cloth (or several layers of gauze).
  5. The temperature should be kept at + 25 ° C.
  6. To access the air, the vessel should be regularly ventilated.
  7. The fabric should not dry out - it is moistened from the spray gun.
  8. After the seeds have passed through (about 5-7 days), they can be planted in the open ground. Porched, who did not release the roots, it is necessary to remove.
  9. On the vegetable garden seeds should be planted in moist soil, from top to fill first with wet, after - dry ground. You can put mulch in the form of straw in the form of straw.

Rules for planting corn

The rooting of seeds is carried out by a typical method - the soil needs to be leveled, make holes, water. After waiting, when the moisture is absorbed, the seeds are spread out, sprinkled and compacted a little. If the planting of corn by seeds is dry, then in one hole it is necessary to seal 4-5 pieces (that sprouts were guaranteed). After germination, which occurs on the 12th day, the planted material is examined, the weak shoots are removed. If the germinated seeds take root, then two seeds can be placed in one well, as the chance of their survival approximates to 100%.

The depth of planting corn in the open ground

The optimum depth of planting of corn in the open ground with seeds depends on the condition of the seeds - sprouted or dry. Swollen seeds with sprouts are planted in moistened soil, buried 3-4 cm. Dry seeds should be planted a little deeper - to a depth of at least 7 cm. Such a soil layer is optimal for the oxygen to enter the seeds necessary for their germination.

The scheme of planting corn in the open ground

When cultivating corn, you need to follow the planting scheme, because:

  1. Culture is listed as cross-pollinated, for full-bodied cobs it should be planted in at least several rows in staggered order for good pollination.
  2. Rare plantings may suffer from drying out between rows;
  3. Thick planting will suffer from a lack of illumination.

Optimal scheme for planting corn:

  1. To seedlings were guaranteed, the seeds should be planted for 2-3 pieces per well.
  2. Ordinary sowing - in the holes for two seeds with a distance of 35 cm in 4 rows with a distance between them of 25 cm, and an interval every 4 rows - 65 cm.
  3. It is possible to apply a square-nest sowing with a distance between plants 45 cm (per 1 m 2 should accommodate about 9-12 specimens).

What can you plant next to the corn?

For summer cottages, planting corn in an open ground is important, along with other crops. It neighbors perfectly with cucumbers, beans, pumpkin, beans. The roots of the plant are at a depth of 1-1.5 m and plantations do not interfere with each other. Features of joint planting of corn:

  1. Planting corn with cucumbers in the open ground is done according to this scheme - future cobs are planted at a distance of 60 cm, and between them cucumbers are planted. Stems of culture are convenient for binding. So plants interact, do not interfere with each other - do not steal useful components and do not obscure.
  2. Heavy pumpkin lianas are capable of injuring corn, so with such joint planting it is necessary to observe the direction of growth of its stems. Put the corn better around the perimeter of the pumpkin beds with a distance of 50 cm.
  3. Beans and beans (soy, peas) can be planted between rows of corn, but subject to their indispensable thinning, so that in one hole there remains one specimen of the species. It is noticed that with such combined disembarkations the development of ailments is reduced.