Fabric for summer dress

Choosing a fabric for a summer dress, it is important to focus not on its price availability, but on naturalness. After all, in this hot season the body, as never before, needs clothing that gives a feeling of coolness and possesses "breathing" properties. In addition, the fabric webs should be light, flawlessly absorbing and evaporating moisture.

Names of lightweight fabrics for a summer dress

First of all, it's important to mention those fabrics that are best not to buy. So they not only will not serve a few seasons, but also "sit down", puke at the first wash. These include artificial silk, artificial chiffon, polyester and others. But what should be given preference:

  1. Silk . This material is better than flax and cotton is able to absorb excessive moisture. The most interesting is that it almost does not come into contact with the skin surface. In this dress you feel yourself royally beautiful: you look stylish, and nothing restricts movements. In addition, silk is very strong.
  2. Flax . It is believed that out of this thin fabric you need to sew not only a summer dress , but also trousers, sweaters. It has excellent hygroscopicity. In addition, it gives a feeling of coolness. It is rumored that in such clothes the temperature of the body drops by 1-2 degrees. If you buy natural white flax, then you can not worry about multiplying bacteria and fungus on the canvas.
  3. Cotton . One of the natural fabrics, summer dresses from which are obtained not only fashionable, but also very cozy. It is famous for its ability to absorb moisture. In addition, even after the tenth wash, the product will not turn into a rag. And this shows its high strength.
  4. Krepdeshin . Beauty, tenderness, elegance - this is how things look from this fabric. It has high strength, almost does not crumple, and besides it has a slight luster. In hot weather, light tissue will help the skin "breathe", passing through the air fibers of the fabric.