Body-oriented psychotherapy

In a person it is impossible to separate the soul from the body. The states of these two components are interrelated. No wonder there is a saying: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind." Probably, based precisely on this statement, and was offered bodily-oriented psychotherapy.

Wilhelm Reich was the first to pave the way for bodily psychotherapy. After numerous studies, he managed to identify the relationship between personality traits and bodily features of a person. Dominant character traits are expressed in our gestures, gait and facial expressions. The stress that we experience can be released by affecting certain parts of the body. Thus, you can get rid of and prevent various kinds of mental disorders. This was his main idea about this method.

Later, his followers studied this concept in more detail. They defined its essence, formulated the main methods and techniques of Reich's body-oriented psychotherapy.

Methods of bodily oriented psychotherapy

This therapeutic practice allows you to work with the problem of neuroses and other mental disorders of a person through bodily contact procedures.

What is so terrible "clamps" and tension in our body? The fact is that the internal muscle strains, if they have not received discharge, become chronic after a certain time. This becomes a kind of "shell". This block does not allow us to realize our suppressed feelings or emotions. Thus, a protective reaction is triggered. As a result, the human body loses its former softness and flexibility. Internal energy becomes more difficult to normally pass through the body. To support such a "defense" we spend a lot of effort.

The result of all this is a lack of energy for a normal active life. A person experiences physical and psychological problems. The most unpleasant is that the ability of the body and the whole of our body to self-repair is blocked.

Exercises that body-oriented psychotherapy offers can and should be done on their own.

  1. Relaxation. Stand up straight and focus your attention on your right hand. Strain it to the limit. After a few seconds, relax your hand, relieve tension. Do this exercise with your left hand. Then perform similar work with the legs (alternately), the waist and neck.
  2. Voltage transfer. Tension your right arm. Then, gradually relaxing it, as if rolling this tension from the right hand to the left. Gradually relaxing the last, translate the tension to the left leg, then to the right one. Finish with the waist and neck.
  3. We stretch and break. Exercise is to maximally stretch upward, and then relieve tension as if breaking. First, the brushes "break" and hang. Then the arm in the elbow, then the shoulders fell, the head hung. Now you "break" at the waist, knees bend. As a result, you were on the floor in complete relaxation. Listen to yourself. Release all the tension that you still feel somewhere.

Learn to perform these simple exercises, and you will notice an improvement in your condition.

Bodynamics is one of the methods of bodily therapy. He is regarded as a kind of connection between the psychomotor development of a person and the structures of his character. Knowledge of muscular anatomy is also important. In this case, the dynamics of the development of the human body is studied. As he grows older, he adapts to the world. And in various life situations his body reacts differently: some muscles are straining, while others, on the contrary, in a particular case relax and even weaken. Here the tension-relaxation balance is very important.

Be engaged in the body and be healthy.