Living space

Most often the concept of "living space" is used with the word "organization", implying ordering in their workplace, distribution of working time and other activities related to self-organization. No one will argue that this kind of organization and optimization of the living space is very important, because without this it is impossible to achieve success in any of the spheres of life. But there is a more interesting definition of the living space that psychology gives him, from this point of view, we will consider it.

Psychology of living space

This concept was introduced by the psychologist Kurt Levin, who believed that human life is not so much in the real world as in the world formed by his consciousness on the basis of accumulated knowledge and experience. At the same time, the psychologist offered to consider the person and her ideas about the world as a single whole, and he called all the factors influencing his consciousness a vital space. It should be noted that this space is completely not subject to physical laws, a person can sit in solitary confinement, but at the same time his living space will cover kilometers. Its size is influenced by the worldview of a person, and the wider it is, the larger the living space a person can possess.

The dimensions of this space are not constant, increasing as one grows up. Most often, its maximum reaches to the middle of life, gradually decreasing to old age. Vital space can decrease in a seriously ill or depressed person, nothing interesting to him, there is no craving for new knowledge and acquaintances. Sometimes this process can be reversible.

If there are no serious illnesses and old age is still far away, your living space can be easily expanded. You just have to stop being indifferent, there are so many interesting things happening in the world - scientists make discoveries, new music, movies and books, archeologists dig up ancient cities, this list can be continued indefinitely. Our life is a book, and it depends only on us, it will be filled with amazing stories or on its broken faded pages there will only be gray and mud.