Cutlets from cabbage - the best recipes of simple dishes

A wonderful dish for the diet menu will be cutlets from cabbage. And their basis can be both fresh vegetable and pickled. Considerable value will also have a dish fried from broccoli or cauliflower. Various lenten varieties of food and a combination of vegetable and meat will be considered further.

Cutlets from white cabbage

Delicious, fragrant, low-calorie cutlets from fresh cabbage, the recipe of which is especially popular among vegetarians, can be made not only in a lean version. Adding cabbage to meat, you can surprise the taste of the products even the most demanding gourmets. The saturation and unique taste of meat combined with the characteristic juicy pulp of the vegetable gives simply a delightful result. About how to make cutlets from white cabbage with meat, you will learn from the recommendations described below.

Cutlets with cabbage and minced meat - recipe

To fry cutlets with cabbage and meat, fresh vegetable leaves should be chopped as small as possible or simply twisted together with meat using a meat grinder. A set of spices in this case it is preferable to use the minimum, consisting of salt and pepper, without heavier stuffing with extra seasonings that can simply kill the natural unique flavor of the dish.



  1. Kapustin is very finely shredded with a knife or grinded with a meat grinder (blender).
  2. Combine the meat and vegetable mass, add as little as possible chopped onions, drive the egg, fill the mass with herbs, spices and add it to taste.
  3. Decorate round or oblong cakes and fry them on vegetable fat until red and ready.

Cutlets from cauliflower

If you already know how to make cutlets from white cabbage, but have never tried products fried from broccoli or cauliflower inflorescences, this recipe will help you to expand your culinary experience and feed your family not only with tasty but also extremely useful food . Even those who did not previously use valuable inflorescences in any form, in such a performance, will not even guess what they fed, having remained completely ecstatic about the meal.

Cutlets from broccoli and cauliflower

To make cutlets from cabbage, the most delicious recipe of which involves the use of simple inflorescences in combination with broccoli, vegetables should be boiled in salted water for five to seven minutes, letting them flow well, and only after that start grinding. A special highlight is lemon rind, added to the base of the products together with the basic seasonings, herbs and salt.



  1. Vegetable inflorescences are boiled for seven minutes, after which they are cooled and chopped in a meat grinder or not too finely in a blender.
  2. Mix the mass with flour, mango and yolks, add salt to it, season with seasonings, herbs, zest and mix.
  3. At the final stage, the proteins are converted into dense foam and interfere with it in the basis of the cutlets.
  4. Decorate round or oblong cakes and brown them on vegetable fat.

Post cabbage patties

For those who still consider meat products out of competition, it makes sense to fry lean cutlets from cabbage, the most delicious recipe of which can be found among the options listed below. Having tried amazingly delicate and fragrant vegetable products, you are most likely to change your prejudiced attitude to such dishes and, perhaps, they will appear on your table more often. As it is not only tasty, but still useful and low-calorie.

Cutlets from sauerkraut

Post cabbage cutlets, the recipe of which is described below, will be prepared from a sauerkraut. The acidity of the product in this case is leveled by potatoes, which will be supplemented with a cabbage base. It is also a binding component in minced meat, which becomes denser and perfectly keeps the shape when decorating and frying products. Cutlets made in this manner are successful in ruddy, appetizing and tasty.



  1. Potatoes are boiled in a uniform, cleaned, crushed in a blender, kneaded with a crib or crumpled through a meat grinder.
  2. In any accessible and convenient way, grind the sauerkraut vegetable, and then let it on vegetable fat with chopped onion.
  3. Combine the two components in a bowl, add the dill and seasonings, knead and decorate round cakes.
  4. Fry breaded breaded cabbage and potato patties on vegetable fat from both sides.

Lazy cutlets with cabbage

Post cutlets from carrots and cabbage, the recipe of which does not contain eggs, is considered lazy because of the simple creation of stuffing and decoration. Vegetables should simply be ground in the blender's container and mixed with flour and spices. Fry such cutlets in the manner of pancakes, by spreading the vegetable mince in a scalded skewer with a spoon. In addition, you can make a dietary variation of the products by preparing them in oven molds.



  1. Kapustin is ground in a blender together with carrots and onions, and then let in a frying pan until soft.
  2. Add crushed apples, garlic and seasonings to taste, pour in flour and mix.
  3. With a moistened spoon, take a little vegetable mass and spread it into the heated vegetable fat.
  4. Fry the products from two sides to the color.
  5. For heat treatment in the oven, the vegetable mass is packaged on oiled molds, covered with a cut of foil and sent to a device heated up to 185 degrees for thirty to forty.

Cutlets from cabbage with a manga

The correct recipe for cutlets from cabbage with a manga will allow you to get juicy, delicate, amazingly tasty products. Semolina and flour in this case act as binding components, which will not allow the blanks to fall apart in a frying pan. Added to vegetable minced fried carrots will make the cutlets more harmonious and balanced to taste, and the dish will be spiced with fresh herbs and garlic.



  1. Kapustin is relieved of a stump, boiled, twisted through a meat grinder and squeezed a little from excess moisture.
  2. In the same manner, the carrot shavings rescued in a frying pan with onion cubes and garlic are ground.
  3. Combine the prepared ingredients in a bowl, add salt to them, flavor them with spices, pour in semolina, flour and mix.
  4. Decorate round or oval cakes, panning each in breadcrumbs and browning on the frying pan heated vegetable fat.