The child has a belch

Belching in healthy children

An eructation is an involuntary ejection of a portion of air from the stomach into the oral cavity. Eating in infants is often caused by the fact that during feeding the baby swallows air together with milk. This can be caused by an incorrect posture during feeding, a wrong grip of the nipple by an infant or an unsuitable form of the nipple. Since the muscles of the stomach in infants are very weak, belching in a child after eating can be milk, food particles. There are also belches of gastric juice or bile. In Russia there have long been recipes and ways of how to treat a belch in a child. To get rid of it, you have to drink goat milk three times a day after meals. It was believed that only a month of such treatment can save a person even from the strongest eructation.

Belching, if it does not repeat too often, is not a sign of a disease or a disturbance of the digestive tract. From time to time, belching is observed in healthy children. Most often, belching occurs in children one or two times after eating (especially with the use of "air" food, like omelets, meringues, etc., or after drinking carbonated drinks).

Belching as a symptom of the disease

An eructation, more often observed in a child, can be indicative of diseases of the cecum, liver, stomach or gallbladder. For example, an acidic eructation in a child is observed with indigestion, pancreatitis, bulbite, or chronic gastritis. If the child has a belching of rotten eggs, do not panic immediately. An eructation with such a smell can be caused by the usual eating of eggs, during the digestion of which hydrogen sulphide is released. If the child is suffering from a belching of rotten eggs constantly, regardless of the type of food consumed, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for diagnosis. This eructation indicates a discomfort in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (it can be gastritis, pyloric stenosis, cholecystitis, etc.). To get rid of such eructations, it is necessary to cure the disease that caused it.

Thus, belching in children can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Ingestion of air together with food;
  2. Consumption of food (drink) containing a large amount of air (carbon dioxide);
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver or gallbladder.

To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, you should provide the child with the right conditions for feeding, conduct a comprehensive examination of the body to identify disorders of the digestive system, as well as conduct a course of treatment of existing gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, remember, you can not prescribe the treatment yourself, without consulting a doctor, even if the disease is chronic and you know the classical scheme of its treatment. Self-medication can do more harm than good, so do not waste your children's health.