The reason may be not only microbes, got from dirty hands into the body, but also various infections, as well as poisoning with substandard products. To put the baby on its feet, you will need a cleansing enema and diarrhea remedies intended for children from 3 years of age.
Treatment of diarrhea in children 3 years old is already different from infants. A three-year-old child is easier to persuade to take medicine and drink fluids. Therefore, the risk of dehydration is much lower and most often the treatment is performed at home, unless the temperature is attached to diarrhea, which means that the child can have a serious infection.
Diet in a child with diarrhea at 3 years of age
Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, the baby should be immediately transferred to the strictest diet. On the first day of the disease, he is allowed to drink a lot of boiled water, a decoction of chamomile, raisins or rice, weak and unsweetened tea. Sugar can not be added to drinks, since it causes fermentation and swelling in the intestines.
From food to the child you can eat a little - crackers, biscuits, bagels. Prohibited fresh bread and pastries, as well as all sorts of fruits and vegetables.
On the second day, you can cook a baby vegetable rice soup or liquid mashed potatoes without butter. If the child is on the mend, then he will need the strength to recover. Therefore, boiled white poultry meat, lean fish, steam cutlets and meatballs diversify the diet.
What to give a child from diarrhea in 3 years?
Sometimes, my mother does not know what to do if a child in 3 years begins diarrhea. Most often in the medicine cabinet there is a lot of funds for diarrhea, but not all of them are allowed for use in children. If the disorder does not happen too often, then you can do without potent drugs, and give only sorbents that bind and remove toxins along with feces.
But when the bowel movements give the baby some discomfort and he does not literally walk away from the toilet, they will already need diarrhea funds designed specifically for children of this age.
- Smecta, Atoxil, Diosmectin are preparations that can be given to a child without fear. They contain substances of natural origin, which remove toxins from the body. The pediatric dose is 3-4 packets per day.
- Activated carbon is similar in effect to Smekte, but costs several times cheaper. It should be given on the basis of 10 kilograms of weight - one tablet.
- Regiodron is required if the child has frequent watery diarrhea. This tool will adjust the water-salt balance in the body.
- Nifuroxazide is a drug that very quickly stops diarrhea in a child. Children like the sweet banana flavor and the bright yellow color of the suspension. The drug is effective in controlling most known pathogens of diarrhea. Children of three years are given a teaspoon three times a day.
- Phthalazole - this drug belongs to the group of sulfonamides
and is administered at a quarter-pill dosage four times a day. - Levomycetin - these bitter tablets children can not take orally, which means they are prescribed this drug in the form of injections, which are carried out in the hospital.
- In addition to the main treatment, in the disorder of stool for children use drugs that improve the microflora of the intestine. This is Yogurt, Lineks, Bibidumbacterin and the like. Therapy with these funds is carried out not less than 10 days.
Now you know how to stop diarrhea in a child in 3 years. If the situation is not started, then it can be done in the shortest time at home.