Than to treat snot in a child?

Without "snotty" kids, not a single nursery group or a children's playground can do. Of course, there is not much to enjoy in this, but what to do if a small organism is susceptible to any infection and temperature changes. In addition, the snot is not so easy to get rid of, so the question of how to treat snot in a child - is relevant for all mothers without exception.

Than to treat to the child transparent snot?

The color and consistency of liquid detachable from a small spout can tell a lot about the causes and tendencies of the disease.

At many children transparent sopelki appear at teething, adaptation to new conditions of a life, and also owing to an allergic reaction and depression of immunity. However, many mothers are convinced that transparent snot to treat the child is not necessary, the opinion is no less than wrong, because:

Than to treat the child green and yellow snot?

The pediatrician, for certain, will specify the color of the discharge, answering the question of how to treat the baby snot. And it is true, in this case the shade is of fundamental importance, because: