Vomiting in a child without fever and diarrhea - what to do?

Little children get sick from time to time. Someone more often, someone is rarer. In any case, parents need to know how to deal with the manifestation of different symptoms. Let's consider the question of what to do if the child has vomiting without fever and diarrhea. Before taking medications, you need to understand why this is happening.

Causes of vomiting in children without fever

The child can vomit at the beginning of the disease. This is accompanied by the usual symptoms of ARI, namely, a runny nose, sore throat, cough, general deterioration of well-being. Often in such cases, the child first has nausea, which can also go to vomiting without raising the body temperature.

The cause of these symptoms may be viral diseases. As, for example, angina.

Diseases of the digestive system often provoke vomiting in a child without fever. The exact diagnosis in this case can only be made by a specialist after the examination. The cause of nausea and vomiting can be:

Vomiting in a child can happen due to food poisoning, unsuitable medications, improper feeding or as a result of an allergy to a product.

Another factor that sometimes causes nausea and vomiting in a child without fever is psychological. Strong negative experiences cause deterioration of well-being. This is especially noticeable among schoolchildren, during the transition period, and at times when the kids start going to the kindergarten.

Diseases of the central nervous system also provoke vomiting and deterioration of the general well-being of the child. The reasons may be:

If there is a suspicion of a CNS disease, the pediatrician will refer you to a neurologist.

Infants often have vomiting, which is called regurgitation. This phenomenon is considered normal, and as you grow older. Exceptions are cases in which the emetic mass of parents notice mucus greenish or brown, an unpleasant smell if the child is not feeling well. In such cases, a compulsory consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Also, small children, who strive to taste all interesting items, can swallow a small toy or part. Which, in turn, sometimes causes vomiting. If there is a suspicion of swallowing a foreign body and the object does not come out by itself, then the doctor will be able to follow the movement of the detail in the child's digestive system and make the necessary decisions to assist in the hospital.

Than to treat a vomiting at the child, proceeding without rise in temperature?

If the nausea continues for a long time, and you do not understand its causes (that is, it's not a normal regurgitation), you need to turn to a specialist. While you are waiting for a doctor, you need to provide the child with bed rest. Lay it on its side, the head should be raised. More to drink and not to force to eat. At this time, you can not self-medicate: give antibiotics, spasmolyenics, wash the stomach, especially with the use of any medications.

So, if the child has a strong vomiting without the temperature, which causes you anxiety, call the doctor at home, remembering and reporting all the other symptoms that accompanied the disease of the baby. This will help the doctor to properly orient and prescribe the right treatment.