Wisteria - planting and care

Blossoming wisteria, or wisteria, as it is also called, leaves an indelible impression on everyone who has seen its beautiful flowering. This tree-like subtropical plant belongs to the family of legumes. In nature, wisteria grows in the subtropical regions of America and Asia, is found in China, the Caucasus and the Crimea.

The genus of wisteria has up to 10 species, however in decorative floriculture, two main ones are used: wisteria gingerbread and Chinese. Decorate with wisteria pergolas, pavilions, terraces. You can land this vine along the fence or decorate it with the wall of the house.

This perennial plant grows to a height of 18 meters. There are treelike deciduous wisteria and semi-leafy creepers. The wisteria of wisteria in diameter reaches 40 cm, and its powerful vines can be dragged along any support.

Blossom wisteria in the spring and pleases the eye with beautiful white and light purple brushes up to 30 cm long until the fall. Fruits of wisteria are long pubescent pods in which there are flat-round seeds. Many species of wisteria are considered poisonous.

If you want to decorate your garden with this beautiful flower, then you should know that planting and caring for wisteria have their own characteristics.

Wisteria flower - planting and care in the garden

Basically all kinds of wisteria are thermophilic. The best place to plant is the southern side of the fence or the house. Remember that in the open, wisteria may not bloom at all, so take care of wind protection.

The soil for wisteria should be fertile, light, breathable. The plant does not like strongly moistened and calcareous soils.

Wisteria can reproduce by seeds, but flowering will be late and ungrowth. Most often, this plant is propagated by horizontal layers and winter grafts on the roots. Cuttings are carried out in May-June, cutting annual shoots to 25 cm in length.

When planting in a pit, a soil mix consisting of turf ground, peat, sand and humus is poured. The pit should have dimensions of 60x60x50 cm. Planting is carried out by the method of transshipment, while the root collar of the seedling should not be buried.

Watering the plant should be abundant, otherwise wisteria will not bloom or will bloom weakly. Liana requires regular feeding, as it grows very quickly.

Young plants should be removed from the support in the first winter and, if placed on boards, insulated with lutrasil ( spunbond or other non-woven material) and moss. Adult wisteria can withstand without frost to -20 ° C.

Not so long ago, a winter-resistant sort of wisteria plant called Blue Moon was planted by breeders, planting and caring for which practically does not differ from the heat-loving species. The main difference is that winter hardy wisteria can freely withstand up to -40 ° C without shelter.

Spring vines should be cut, removing dry, damaged shoots.