Furacilin for newborns

Care for the newborn is far from such a difficult matter, as many young mothers seem. The main thing in it is to know a few basic rules and principles, and strictly observe them. The main methods of caring for the baby are usually shown in the maternity hospital. In the same place, mothers are told how to take care of the belly button, how and when to bathe, explain other important points. Over time, my mother calms down, feels more confident and easily copes with her child. In the first month of life in the children's medicine cabinet should be: cotton wool, bandage, cotton buds, zelenka, iodine, soothing cream, furacilin. It is the last product that will be discussed in this article. We will talk about whether furacilin is suitable for newborns and children, how to breed it before use, when it is applied, etc. It is important to remember: in order to ensure proper care for the baby, you should study new literature on pediatrics, get acquainted with modern methods and methods of care, methods of education, and, of course, do not forget about regular visits to the children's polyclinic, and if the first anxious symptoms occur immediately go to the pediatrician.

Furacilin solution for newborns

Furacilin is not a new remedy. It does not belong to the category of newfangled expensive medications, and yet, for many years now it has become a part of any family medicine chest. It can not be said that tablets of furacil are vital. But there are situations in which the availability of this uncomplicated tool will be very helpful.

Some parents are in no hurry to use furatsilina, doubting whether it is possible for his children. I must say, such doubts are absolutely groundless, furacilin is completely safe not only during the period of newborn and lactation, but also during pregnancy. Furacilin belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs. With its help, intestinal and dysentery bacillus, staphylococci, salmonella, streptococci, and even causative agents of gas gangrene are destroyed. It is prescribed for burns, purulent otitis and wounds, ulcerative lesions, conjunctivitis and many other infections.

It is important to remember that furatsilin apply only externally, do not take it inside. A solution of furacilin is treated with an inflammation of the throat (mouth and throat rinsing), eyes are washed, external skin lesions are treated, etc.

How do I wash my eyes with furacilin a newborn?

To prepare the solution, one furacilin tablet is soaked and dissolved in 100 ml of warm, purified boiled water. Before use, the solution must be carefully filtered, because even the smallest and most inconspicuous remains of a non-dissolved tablet can damage the baby's eyes. The final solution is cooled to room temperature and poured into a bowl of dark glass, in which the finished product can be stored for up to 14 days.

The solution is instilled by pipetting into the external (rather than the inner, as many believe) corner of the eye.

All key details of solution preparation, its use and storage should be discussed with the pediatrician. Only a doctor can prescribe the use of a medicine (even such a safe one as furatsilin), it also determines the frequency of use and the duration of the course of treatment. Do not engage in medical initiative and put experiments on your own child.