Sharp smell of urine in the child

The most readily available tests to determine the health status of young children are feces and urine. Everyone knows that normally they (especially urine) in a child should not have a pronounced unpleasant odor and be of a certain color. Any mommy, noticing the changes in children's excrement, can in time reveal a disease or a malfunction in the work of his body.

The reasons why the baby's urine can start to smell strongly:

1. The age.

As a child grows up, from a completely newborn that does not smell, urine gradually changes, acquiring color and smell, as in an adult (by 5-6 years old).

2. Nutrition.

Most often, the change or appearance of a sharp odor of urine in a child is noted after consuming products such as horseradish, garlic, spicy seasonings, seafood, cabbage and asparagus. Children who are on artificial feeding, the smell may appear after changing the mixture.

3. Diseases.

Since many different diseases affect the smell of urine, then there are many of these changes. Urine in the child can smell ammonia, acetone, apple juice or apple pitted, have a sour or just very sharp smell, and even look like a mouse or cat.

This occurs with the following diseases:

4. Taking medications.

After taking medications (especially antibiotics) and B vitamins, the child's urine usually has a sharp odor that lasts for 1-2 days.

5. Heat and dehydration.

Due to the fact that most of the fluid in such conditions is excreted through the pores of the skin, and not through the kidneys, the urine leaves in a greater concentration, and therefore its odor increases.

6. Nasal congestion.

Change in the smell of urine in this case is immediately followed by disposal from swelling of the nose.

7. Fasting.

Due to the fact that the body makes up for the lack of essential substances (proteins, carbohydrates and fats), due to the available fatty acids and sugar, urine can smell ammonia or have a strong acidic odor.

In any case, if you notice that the urine of a child stinks for a long time (more than three days), in order not to worry in vain, it is better to pass a urine test . The result of which will show the presence (absence) of bacteria or other cause.