Compatibility of vegetables when planting

Every gardener knows that by alternating crops on the plot you can achieve an increase in yield, and for this you need to know what vegetables are compatible when planting in a garden next door. Crop rotation excludes the possibility that the soil will be depleted. The general rule of compatibility of vegetables during planting and alternation is that you can not plant the same crop in one crop before three years later. Of course, there is an exception. Tomatoes and potatoes - these vegetables can grow on the same rows for many years. Compatible vegetables on the bed allow you to increase the yield of each other. If one culture suppresses another, the result is obvious.

Compatible cultures

In this section we will tell you which vegetables are compatible for planting in the greenhouse and on the open ground. So, when planting eggplants, take care that in the immediate vicinity grow bushes of bush beans. This plant does not allow Colorado beetles to eat eggplant. If you want to get an excellent harvest of legumes, then next to this culture should be planted cucumber, radish or radish, spinach, corn and potatoes. These garden crops contribute to the fact that the beans are saturated with nitrogen, which they need for full growth and development. For example, peas perfectly feel in the neighborhood with turnips, cucumbers and carrots, and if you plant mustard between the rows, it will scare away the pea fruit and will oppress the growth of weeds . The peas are also helped by tomatoes that release biologically active substances, which stimulate its development.

Now we will discuss compatible planting of vegetables when growing cabbage. This vegetable reacts positively to the closeness of salad, onion, dill, celery, shrub beans, potatoes and radish. Among other things, the dill planted nearby can improve the taste of white cabbage, as well as frighten off aphids and caterpillars who like to feast on its leaves. And earthen fleas and cabbage flies will not annoy cabbage if you plant a few celery bushes nearby. But here you should also be careful, because cabbage whitecaps can fly to the scent of celery. To avoid this, celery can be replaced by any kind of salad. From the caterpillars shovels cabbage will protect the garden leeks, planted in the inter-row. As for broccoli, the best neighbors for it are beets, lettuce and onions.

An excellent neighborhood for potatoes, which is grown on almost every plot - it's eggplant, onion, cabbage, horse-radish and garlic. These cultures contribute to the saturation of the soil with nitrogen. In addition, for a full-fledged growth, they need nutrients that are contained in different layers of soil, so they will not "fight" for them with each other. Good neighbors for potatoes are also considered radish, carrots, cauliflower.

A mutually beneficial union is also celebrated when carrots and onions are planted in the neighborhood. The first does not allow to catch onion onion fly, and the second frightens away the carrot fly. Onions also grow well alongside cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes and beets. If you want to protect cucumbers from bacteriosis, to which they are inclined, plant between the beds garlic and onions. In addition, phytoncids, which in large quantities secrete onions, have a beneficial effect on cucumbers, because they kill spider mites. Take into account, "friendship" between carrots and tomatoes, onions, radish, garlic and salad is possible, but cabbage neighborhood is unacceptable.

Features of compatibility of vegetables in the greenhouse

The compatibility of planting vegetables in the greenhouse has a number of nuances, because the crops grow in a limited space, exerting influence on each other. Often gardeners acquire several greenhouses to grow more types of vegetables. But if you have one greenhouse, you should know that in the neighborhood you can grow cucumbers and tomatoes, eggplants and peppers, carrots and onions (or garlic).