Flower of fuchsia

Among the variety of shades of red, the fuchsia , which got its name from a flower beloved by the flower growers of the whole world, became very popular in the latter, thanks to its bright and long flowering.

Fuchsia belongs to the family of sprayed, native to Central and South America. There, her flowers are the main source of nectar for hummingbirds. After all, it blossoms for a long time (from spring to the end of autumn) and basically in the color of the petals and calyx there is a red color, since it is this small bird that distinguishes it.

In nature, there are a large number of varieties of fuchsia, but at home in most cases, hybrids of this plant are grown, diverse in form, color and size of flowers. To "residents" of your windowsill pleased with their flowering, they need to be properly taken care of. How to do it, you will learn from this article.

Care of home fuchsia

  1. Temperature regime . She feels great in a cool room at + 10-12 °, but can tolerate a temperature rise of up to +20 °. In an overly hot climate, the plant sheds leaves and flowers, or even completely dies.
  2. Location . The natural habitat of fuchsia is the shady rainforest, so it does not tolerate direct sunlight. The most correct solution is the location of the pot, not on the window, but in the depth of the room. But the flower should be well illuminated.
  3. Watering. Fuchsia should be watered regularly and abundant enough so that the top layer of soil in the pot does not dry out. This is especially important in the period of growth and flowering. It is not recommended to place a pallet under the pot with fuchsia. Since after watering it is impossible that water stagnated in it. This can lead to decay of its roots. It responds well to spraying, especially during the hot season.
  4. The period of rest. Fuchsia must always rest. Most often this happens in the winter. At this time, it is recommended to keep it in a room with a temperature of + 5-8 ° C. Water should be less often, only after the earth has dried. Do not be afraid if the plant drops all the leaves, in the spring they will grow again.
  5. Transfer. Every spring the flower should be transplanted into another pot. Soil mixture for it is made of sand, clay-turf and peat land, taken in the proportion 1: 3: 2. Capacity should not be too tight, nor too spacious. Before transplanting, cut off the shoots and shorten the roots. Then the planted flower should be put on a sunny place, abundantly watered and sprayed.
  6. Diseases and pests. If the flower is not properly tended, then fuchsia is more often infected with fungal diseases, for example rust. To fight the disease you can use fungicides, for example, Aktaru. But the best prevention of the emergence of various problems is proper agricultural technology. Among pests on fuchsia, aphids, mites and weevils are most often found. Help to cope with them will help such drugs as "Aktelik" or "Gaupsin." And if a whitefly is infected, only the insecticide from the group of neurotoxins will help.

It is impossible to rearrange and rotate the fuchsia. This causes the release of buds and leaves. To flowering was more lush, young shoots are necessary to pinch. This will also help to give the bush a beautiful shape.

Reproduction of fuchsia

This flower is very easy to breed with cuttings. The most suitable for this are the shoots cut from the overwintered plants. After cutting, they are planted in containers filled with layers: drainage, earth and sand. After about 7-10 days, they form roots, they are again transplanted into separate pots and placed in a bright place.

Reproduction can also be carried out by seeds, but in this case the specific features of the mother plant will not survive.