Fruit trees and shrubs for the garden plot

Having a large plot of land at their disposal, everyone will want to grow their own fruit and berry garden. But in order that fruit trees and shrubs for the garden plot begin to bear fruit, it will take a lot of effort and time.

The best fruit trees are:

From shrubs for most regions it is recommended to choose the following:

How to place trees and shrubs on the site?

Pledge of abundant harvest in the right place for planting. After all, the garden will grow and bear fruit for several decades, and therefore the question of location will need to be treated as carefully as possible.

To begin with, a layout of future landings should be made on a sheet of paper. It should be borne in mind that from the neighboring site, as well as from buildings (houses, garages, arbors), it is necessary to retreat 3.5-4 meters for trees and 1.5 meters for shrubs-such are the sanitary norms.

The same applies to the distance between the plantations themselves. So between trees with a large crown you need to withstand at least 6 meters, and for bushes there will be enough and a meter. Planting of fruit trees and shrubs on the site should be well thought out so that when the garden grows, it does not overshadow the rest of the plants too much.

How to choose a neighbor?

There is such a thing as the compatibility of trees and shrubs on the site. In most cases, all the inhabitants of the garden get on well with each other, if the distance between the plants is right. And only some representatives of the flora require attention.

Such an exception includes a pear and a plum that do not tolerate a neighborhood, as well as a peach and the mentioned trees. Not very well feel next barberry with cherry plum and pear, as well as cherry with a quince.

The best neighbors for trees will be the same, but of a different kind. It is desirable to plant, for example, apple trees of several species, most of which are late, so that the fruits can be stored until the spring. Some plants, such as sea-buckthorn, require a pollinator - a male tree for 5-6 female.

But the most aggressive tree in relation to any inhabitants of the garden is a nut. In addition to the powerful root system, which selects food from neighbors, the plant contains in large quantities tannins, which depress the vital activity of other plants around.

Falling, foliage and peel of nuts mixed with the soil, which makes it Unsuitable for other plants, and a dense crown covers almost everything under the tree and next to it. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant a nut closer than 18 meters near any other trees or shrubs.

When to plant trees in the garden?

It is best to purchase planting material in autumn, a month before frost, so that the root system can adapt well to a new place. Some fruit trees and shrubs for cottages are permissible to plant in the early spring, after melting snow, before the buds blossom. Saplings should be chosen strong, healthy, with an unbroken root system.