Is it possible to eat a watermelon during pregnancy?

The fact that the body of a woman carrying a baby needs a large amount of vitamins and minerals, an axiom that does not require confirmation. Their real treasury are all kinds of vegetables and fruits. If the pregnancy occurs at the end of summer and autumn, juicy and sweet watermelons with their fragrant flesh are beckoning to their future mother. But, on the other hand, she is afraid of harming the baby. Therefore, very often doctors are asked the question: is it possible to really eat a watermelon during pregnancy or is it worth it to wait and deny yourself this pleasure?

Why is watermelon useful for pregnant women?

This traditional berry for our table has many valuable properties:

  1. Having a fresh, sated sweet taste, watermelon quenches thirst very well in a grueling summer heat. Several of its slices will completely replace the future mother with a small bottle of water, perfectly replenishing the water reserves in the body.
  2. Watermelon contains a large amount of natural carbohydrates and iron. These substances are very easy to digest, and the risk of anemia, which affects many women waiting for the baby, is minimized. Also, its pulp is a natural source of folic acid, due to which the laying of all organs and systems of the fetus occurs without problems.
  3. If you are in doubt, whether you can eat watermelon during pregnancy, an argument such as an increased concentration of fiber in this berry, will surely convince you. After all, this substance enhances the peristalsis of the intestine, and therefore, you will forget about constipation and digestive disorders for a long time.
  4. During pregnancy, the body has a double load, so the fact that the watermelon has a positive effect on the digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, can not be ignored. In addition, it excellently removes excess cholesterol from the body.
  5. Also watermelon during pregnancy is possible if you have caught a cold or other infection, because it has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
  6. The diuretic effect of this useful berry is also proven, so excess fluid will be excreted more intensively from the body.

When the future mother should abandon the watermelon?

In some cases, the dilemma, whether it is possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy, has to be solved by completely eliminating this berries from the daily menu. Consider when it is necessary to resort to this restriction:

  1. If the urinary system is not working properly, excessive love of watermelon may well lead to severe edema. Therefore, if your urine test is far from ideal, try to wait for the birth of the baby to enjoy this treat.
  2. Watermelon can be eaten during pregnancy, only if you are sure of its quality. Poisoning them is a very common phenomenon, since during its cultivation nitrogenous fertilizers are often used in large quantities, which means that the content of nitrates and nitrites in the flesh of the berry will go off scale.
  3. Even if you are not prone to allergies on berries, during pregnancy the body becomes more sensitive, so the appearance of a variety of rashes may well become a reality.
  4. If you have a history of colitis and other digestive disorders, watermelon, significantly enhancing peristalsis, can cause increased gas production and even diarrhea.

Separately it is worth investigating the question of how much you can eat watermelon during pregnancy, if you can not give it up. Experts agree that 2-3 slices per meal are more than enough, and the total number of berries per day should not exceed 800 g.