How to wash stretch ceilings at home?

Owners of apartments with stretch ceilings are usually very pleased with this decor. But many of them do not immediately remember that he needs some kind of care. As a rule, washing stretch ceilings at home is very easy. Let's find out what is required for this.

How to wash stretch ceilings - general recommendations

So, what you need to pay attention to when planning a stretch ceiling wash:

How often to wash stretch ceilings?

The frequency of washing the stretch ceiling depends on how quickly it becomes soiled. So, in the kitchen on the ceiling, the smallest particles of water and fat formed during cooking are usually deposited. Often remain stains from carbonated water or champagne, if you slop the bottle. In living rooms, the main source of dirt on the stretch ceiling is dust, which "likes" to settle at the joints of the ceiling levels. Therefore, the ceilings should be washed as they are contaminated, at least once a year during the spring cleaning.