Varieties of potatoes - how to choose the best variety for your site?

Everyone knows a vegetable like potatoes, sometimes called "second bread". Today, a variety of potato varieties have been identified that differ in terms of maturation and designation, tuber and yield strength, resistance to diseases and pests.

What are the types of potatoes?

The world assortment of potato nowadays has about 4 thousand varieties of this vegetable. It is very difficult to orientate in such a variety, therefore, experienced gardeners recommend the use of planted varieties of this vegetable for the given locality for planting. One of the main features in the classification of potatoes is its maturity. Depending on it, sorts of "second bread" are:

According to its purpose, varietal potatoes are divided into:

  1. Dining room. It includes the most common varieties, which have excellent taste qualities. Such potatoes contain less than 18% of starch, an increased amount of vitamin C and protein.
  2. Technical. The starch content in the vegetable reaches 16%. From such potatoes produce starch and even alcohol.
  3. Universal. In these grades, the amount of starch varies from 16% to 18%.
  4. Aft. These high-yielding varieties have large tubers containing a lot of protein and starch.

Another popular type of potato classification is the color of its tubers. The most common are varieties:

  1. White. Potatoes with these tubers are delicious and well boiled.
  2. Yellow. This vegetable contains more carotene.
  3. The Reds. These tubers are well preserved, they have many antioxidants. In red fruits, less solanine is formed, that is, they do not turn green.
  4. Multicolored. At present, potato varieties with blue, violet and even black skin and flesh are excreted. However, they still have a very high cost.

Early potato varieties

The collection of such potatoes begins when the plant tops are still green, and the skin of the tubers is very thin. To store such a potato is not intended, because in summer heat the tubers quickly lose moisture. The earliest variety of potatoes can be:

  1. Very early - the tubers start cleaning after 40-60 days after planting. Such ultra-rugged include table varieties Timo, Ariel, Riviera and others.
  2. Early - to harvest such potatoes are started 70 days after planting. This is a variety of potatoes Izora, Anosta, Red Scarlett, etc.
  3. Midrange - harvest this potato 90 days after disembarkation. This potato variety Amorosa, Martha, Odysseus and others.

Medium varieties of potatoes

Such potatoes are suitable for storage, and for use in food directly from the bed. Since during the maturation of the average potato begins to develop and phytophthora, it is better to acquire such varieties that are resistant to late blight . You can choose such medium- and late-ripening potato varieties for the Chernozem region:

  1. Ramos - has a yellowish flesh, has a good cure and is resistant to diseases.
  2. Lorkh - round tubers with white pulp, small eyes, resistance to late blight.
  3. Lugovskaya - high-yielding variety is distinguished by large oval tubers with light flesh. Resistant to diseases and pests.

Late potato varieties

Such vegetables ripen after 115-120 days after planting. These varieties are more productive. Their tubers contain a high content of protein, solids and starch, which makes them more tasty. This potato is perfectly stored and can be used throughout the winter. Such varieties are most often planted in the southern regions. The best sorts of late potatoes are:

  1. Meta - rounded root crops with yellowish flesh, high yield and resistance to diseases.
  2. Synthesis - yellow mesh rind, white flesh of a round-oval root.
  3. Matveevsky - a tuber with cream pulp and white skin. They are resistant to cancer and other diseases.

The most delicious sorts of potatoes

From potatoes, you can prepare a variety of different dishes, so it is so important to grow on the site of delicious varieties of potatoes, which include:

  1. Bellarosa is an early ripening variety. The vegetation period is from 45 to 60 days, so in the southern regions you can harvest two crops of this vegetable. Tubers with reddish skin and light flesh. The variety is unpretentious, drought-resistant and immune to various diseases.
  2. Gala is a medium-ripening variety. It is grown in any climatic zones. It has a high yield and resistance to disease . Roots with beige skin and bright yellow flesh are perfectly preserved.
  3. Picasso is a late variety, which is distinguished by high yields. The tuber is yellow and has a smooth surface and a thin skin.

Harvest varieties of potatoes

From one potato pot can take on average about 1 kg of tubers, for elite varieties this figure can reach 3 kg. However, one must remember that many root crops can be harvested in the first 2-3 years, and then this variety begins to degenerate and its yield drops. Some gardeners believe that the most productive variety of potatoes is a vegetable of Dutch breeding, however, many zoned varieties have high yields. Among them, the following stand out:

The best potato varieties

Each of us has his own ideas about good potatoes. Some believe that the best sorts of potatoes are those that perfectly boil. Others prefer the potato that can be roasted to a ruddy crust, and for the third, a good grade is one that does not require special care. So let's look at the varieties of good potatoes that are meant for these or those dishes:

  1. For mashed potatoes it is better to use Sin-Eyes, Temp, Snow White, Asterix, Glow.
  2. For frying, potatoes Sante, Leader, Concord, Victory, Filatovsky are suitable.
  3. For salads, you can use varieties Annushka, Aladdin, Carrera, Rumba, Sifra.

New varieties of potatoes

Breeders constantly invent new varieties of potato, tasty and refractory to diseases. If you want to try one of these new products, you should pay attention to these:

  1. Levada . This is an early potato variety with a vegetation period of 105 days. He has light pink tubers with creamy pulp. Can be grown in different areas and have excellent yields.
  2. The Samara. Middle-aged table sort. Great for frying and cooking. Not afraid of heat and drought, it has good keeping quality.
  3. Vitalot. This potato with dark skin and purple flesh. The variety is late, so it is perfectly preserved. It produces a delicious purée of the original purple color.