Cream for sunburn

Despite the abundance of protective equipment, many women, wishing to get sunburned quickly, get sunburn. After that, the skin surface becomes not only unsightly, but also very painfully reacts to any touch. To alleviate the symptoms of this condition, a sunburn cream is used, which also contributes to the regeneration of cells and the restoration of the epidermis.

How to choose a good cream for sunburn?

An effective tool should perform 3 functions:

  1. Calm down. After a burn, there is an increase in the local body temperature, redness.
  2. Moisturize. As a rule, the condition under consideration is accompanied by a sharp drying of the epidermis.
  3. Restore. Blisters from burns burst with time, so it's important to take care of skin protection and regeneration.

The listed properties are several varieties of creams containing such active substances:

Can I smear a sunburn with baby cream?

Despite the fact that the cream contains many useful plant extracts, emollients and vitamins, it is not recommended for burns. The fact is that such hygienic products are characterized by high fat content, they contain petrolatum or glycerol. These ingredients create a thin film on the skin that does not allow air and moisture to pass through. If sunburns are smeared with a fat cream, the heat exchange will be severely affected, and the local temperature will rise even more. In turn, this will lead to a "deepening" of damage, an increase in its degree.

Thus, the children's cream from sunburn is not only ineffective, but also often aggravates pathology.

Cream Rescuer from sunburn

This drug is based on natural ingredients, including sea buckthorn oil. Also, the Rescuer contains milk lipids, vitamins, propolis, esters of rosemary, lavender and tea tree, beeswax. This combination of components provides the skin with rapid healing and recovery, effective anesthesia (after 5-15 minutes), protection from bacteria.

Apply balsam should be 1-2 times a day, gently distributing the surface of the affected skin.

A similar drug based on sea buckthorn oil produces the trademark Lekkos.

Panthenol cream for sunburn

At the heart of Panthenol and its synonyms is pantothenic acid, related to compounds from the group of vitamin B. This substance provides the fastest recovery and regeneration of damaged skin cells, as the chemical structure is close to the organic acids produced by the epidermis.

No less effective are other creams with dexpanthenol:

Cream with aloe vera from sunburn

The presented extract has a powerful soothing, antiseptic, analgesic and wound-healing effect. Creams with aloe vera help to quickly cool the skin, reduce flushing and irritation.

Recommended preparations:

Cream based on zinc oxide from sunburn

Such drugs are good for deep skin lesions, especially if there is a risk of bacterial contamination. Creams with zinc oxide is advisable to use after the blast of burn blisters, as similar drugs are softly dried, disinfect wounds, promote their early healing.

It is worth paying attention to the following means: