European shoe

The European eardrum is an evergreen perennial plant that has a lot of folk names - wild pepper, vomit root, wormwood, etc. This herbaceous plant is easy to recognize - it has a long curly stalk and leathery leaves in the form of hooves on long cuttings. The European hoof has a specific bitter smell with shades of pepper, which can be felt by grinding in the hands of the leaves of the plant.

Where does the European hoof grow?

The grass is European, as reflected in the name itself, is more prevalent in Europe. However, the eastern edge of its range crosses the Ural range to Western Siberia, and the plant is found in Altai. The European hoof grows mainly in deciduous and mixed forests, in thickets of hazel, oak forests, usually on rich clay and loamy soils.

Chemical composition of the hoof of the European

The terrestrial part and roots of the plant contain the following substances: essential oils (which contain poisonous substances such as azarone, diazaron, pinene, araryl aldehyde, eugenol), resins, tannins, glycosides, organic acids (malic, citric), phenol, starch, tannins and etc.

Medicinal properties of the hoof of the European

In folk medicine and homeopathy the properties of the hoof of the European are widely used. For therapeutic purposes, use the underground part (rhizomes with roots, excavated in early spring) and leaves (collected during flowering), as well as the plant as a whole.

Preparations based on the hoof of the European have the following properties:

The use of the claw of European

From the claw of the European prepare alcohol tinctures, water infusions and decoctions, ointments, etc. Apply this plant internally and externally for the treatment of the following pathologies:

For each disease, there are certain prescriptions and dosages of preparations of the hoof of the European. The plant is rarely used alone, more often it is used in collection with other medicinal herbs.

Kopyten European from alcoholism

It is also known that this plant is effectively used in the fight against alcohol dependence. Treatment can be conducted even without the knowledge of the patient. To do this, you should prepare a decoction from the root of the European's cleavage from alcoholism according to this recipe:

  1. A tablespoon of dried, crushed hoof roots is filled with a quarter of a liter of water.
  2. Put on the fire and bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and let it brew for an hour.
  4. Strain, store in the refrigerator.

The resulting broth should be added unnoticeably to the patient in alcohol in a dosage of one and a half teaspoons of a drug per 100 grams alcoholic beverage (the color of the drink will not change). The use of this remedy will induce a vomitive reflex, and gradually the patient will develop an aversion to alcohol, even containing no decoction of the claw.

Contraindications to the use of the claw of European

The European cauliflower belongs to the weakly poisonous plants, therefore, when taking medications on its basis, the dosage should be strictly observed. Do not take more than two tablespoons of the drug at a time. It is not recommended to apply the hoof to pregnant women, during breastfeeding, with hypertension with frequent crises.