Carob fruits are good and bad

Carob fruits are dry pods which, when broken, give off a yeast-like flavor. They can reach a length of 10 to 25 cm, and the width will be 2-4 cm. The pods are green, but become dark brown when they mature. When they become dry, they are ground into a powder called kerob .

The benefits and harms of locust beans

The powder obtained from the fruit is used for making different drinks, baking, and the beans themselves are eaten like sweet sweets.

Useful properties of carob fruits:

  1. Dry pods have a calming effect and have a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system.
  2. Using fruits, you can get rid of hunger and feel satiety, which will help you lose weight, because a person will eat less food than usual.
  3. The carob and the carobs fruit favorably influence the activity of the digestive tract and the digestive system as a whole.
  4. The experiments carried out showed that the use of pods is an excellent prevention of oncological diseases.
  5. Another important property of locust beans - they lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Carob will be a great alternative for people who have an allergy to chocolate . Drinks based on this powder can be consumed by pregnant and breastfeeding women who refuse coffee.

The harm of locust beans can bring to people who have an individual intolerance. A syrup, prepared from that product, should be consumed with great care, as it helps increase blood sugar levels. That is why it is worth noting the use of syrup for diabetics and people who are sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.